Beralaith Storm-Wind



5 years, 1 month ago


Name: Beralaith (Berrie) Storm-Wind, eventually known as Beralaith of The Forest
Gender: Female

Somewhat quiet and standoffish. She’s accustomed to ridicule and resentment, so she tends to not be bothered when someone harasses her or speaks poorly of her. She’s generally goodnatured and likes to help out when she can (and when those are willing to accept her help)

  • Her body is partially covered by a living spriggan she made friends with growing up
  • After a run in with some bandits in her teenage years a large portion of her body was burned and scarred. This is the part the spriggan covers
  • She’s always loved plants and wildlife
  • She can use her claw-like fingers to pick locks, so she doesn't have to worry about carrying a bunch of lockpicks around with her
  • She can use normal spriggan abilities/spells

Childhood backstory:
Growing up Beralaith always took care of the local flora and fauna. After venturing out a little too far from her home, she discovered a dying sapling and decided she wanted to help bring it back to life if possible. Being the young, naive child she was she didn’t always tend to check her surroundings, and eventually a spriggan found her by the sapling.
The spriggan was immediately hostile, but it realized the young child was trying to take care of, and protect the plant, just like it would with its own trees. It saw the dying state the sapling was in and wanted to help the child in front of it, and eventually the sapling they both took care of started to show signs of good health again.
Beralaith, upon first seeing the spriggan, was, of course, terrified, but moreso worried about the sapling she wanted to take care of. She didn’t want anything to happen to it and tried to protect it from the tall creature standing before her. She didn’t know if it could understand her at all, but she begged for it to not hurt the plant. The spriggan seemed to hear her pleas and her care for the dying sapling and stood down. As it slowly approached her, she was scared that it was going to hurt her, but it only crouched down and looked at the plant, and after that day they both took care of the plant together. (Refine and add more)

Childhood backstory notes:
  • Her parents have seen her taking care of the sapling but she was careful not to let anybody see the spriggan out of worry for her new friend
  • Her parents didn’t like her going out far but we’re swayed to allow her to go out to take care of the sapling after she talked about how much she wanted to help it grow
  • Her parents were farmers on the outskirts of the city of Solitude
  • They had hired a guard to patrol their land and a sellsword to protect them personally from bandits
  • She would bring the guard and sellsword flowers and fruits constantly saying “they’re family too”
  • Wanted to learn magic from a very young age but was somewhat scared of it

More backstory:
After about 8 years (around age 14-15) of Beralaith and the spriggan taking care of the sapling and it slowly growing larger, her parents’ farm was attacked and raided by a small bandit crew, killing the guard they had hired, and severely wounding her parents and the sellsword. Beralaith returned home while this was happening and tried to fight them off, only to be thrown to the ground and burned with a torch, which the bandits used to set their crops up in flames. The spriggan, hearing all the commotion and it’s friend screaming, even from as far as it was, came to protect the child and scared off the bandits after being slightly burned with the torch as well.