


5 years, 2 months ago


she / her

"I don't have time for this right now."

Skylar grew up in an upper class family and always got what she wanted, be it the newest video game or astrology books. At some point she stopped asking for things, but her parents would still drown her in anything that she might be interested in. She’s always felt a slight disconnect between her and her parents, them wanting to constantly pamper her, when she hated the attention and wanted to be more independent.

They let her move out at a young age, thinking it would be great experience for her and let her focus on her studies more. Her parents still pay her for most things, but she is trying to make living on her own anyway. Outside of school, she has learned to code websites and program her own games and gets income from that.

She is very introverted, meaning she keeps to herself and tends to avoid social interaction wherever possible as she thinks of it as a nuisance. If she doesn’t get enough time to herself during the day she can get incredibly frustrated and stressed, often making small sarcastic quips to those she is around. Both students and teachers alike have learned to keep their distance and not bother her.

She struggles to express her emotions and is described by many to look constantly sleep deprived or grumpy. The only times she laughs, smiles, or gets excited is when she is able to talk at length about topics she knows and enjoys, though most of the time people are not interested in the topics for very long.

Design Notes

  • has piercings only in one ear
  • glasses are not optional and are always green tinted
  • usually has a tired look

  • her favourite plushie is an alien wearing a top hat and a bowtie that she has won in a claw machine
  • gets income from coding websites and in her free time codes her own video games

  • video games and computers
  • space and aliens
  • plush toys
  • math and science

  • overbearing people
  • social events
  • having too much free time
  • physical contact

Living alone has always come with hurdles and now that Skylar is gaining a greater independence as an adult, she slowly becomes conscious of her inability to interact with others. This quickly turns into anxiety as she notices how isolated she has become within the university in comparison to most, like Astrophel, and this is emphasised by her sexuality. She takes notice that Astrophel almost constantly has plans to meet up with other friends after tutoring and feels saddened by the idea of having no one to really talk to.

Early on in the friendship, Astrophel invites her to one of his concerts and begrudgingly Skylar accepts, however upon arriving she quickly becomes overwhelmed by the crowd and soon heads back home. During the show Astrophel is searching for Skylar in the crowd but to no avail, hurting his feelings in turn as he thought they might actually have a chance to become friends. Skylar ignores his text that night, responding in the morning that she felt unwell but is completely better now and available to tutor, which raises suspicion.


During the semester Astrophel repeatedly attempts to make plans with Skylar, inviting her to hang out alone or with his friends, but every time Skylar manages to bail - whether it be lying about other plans or canceling at the last minute, Skylar always manages to make an excuse even though she does genuinely want to try socialise.

Why can’t she make simple small talk? Why can’t she do more for Astrophel? Why can’t she have fun like he does? Why can’t she take interest in people? Why does she shut everyone out? - The guilt and frustration begin to pile up…


At the beginning of the next semester Skylar's anxieties worsen, causing her grades to drop significantly as all her energy is used on overthinking. Students start to gossip around her which only makes her skip classes to avoid the whispers. She uses her skills to hack into the school system and change her grades in order to avoid her parents finding out and uses this to completely shut down mentally and physically.

Astrophel drops by her dorm room often, expressing his concern until she eventually lets him in and breaks down on him. Though he does not fully understand he still spends the rest of the day reassuring her that everything is okay and that the way she is feeling is normal. He makes plans to bring her to his dorm instead, making it a safe place for her and a place to invite a couple friends over to play board games together. Skylar quickly gains a new appreciation of board games, becoming very talented at winning to which the others tease and flatter her about.

Astrophel best friend

Skylar helped tutor him when he was failing his classes and since then they have grown very close, despite their different personalities. They share classes, have similar interests and love playing video games together.

Loops friend

Skylar recently befriended him from Astro. Loops loves showing Skylar the rules of various board games and the two can often get quite heated in the competition.

Name relation

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam ipsum lorem, tincidunt non risus eget, fermentum aliquet mi.

Name relation

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.