


4 years, 11 months ago


he / him

"Hey, wanna hang out tomorrow?"

Astrophel is very sociable and always finds comfort in being part of a group. He does his best at keeping in touch with all the friends he has ever made, constantly makes plans with anyone who’s free and keeps himself in their lives. He believes that maintaining connections is the most important part of his life and just wants to make the most out of every single day and not waste a second.

Design Notes

  • stripes don’t need to be accurate
  • soft gradient markings
  • corgi proportions (short legs, big ears)

  • currently he can play the piano, guitar, violin and the trumpet
  • his blue fur, stripes and star markings are actually dyed, not natural

  • music and singing
  • shopping for clothes
  • entertaining others
  • stars and space

  • sudden changes of plans
  • homework and exams
  • having too much free time
  • physical/strenuous activities

Growing up, Astrophels parents and grandparents were incredibly supportive of his interest in music, especially his father, who was a famous pianist when he was younger. His grandpa taught both his father and him from a young age.Unfortunately, Astro wasn’t - and still isn’t - very good at studying, causing him to focus all his energy on something that he enjoyed. He even wishes upon a shooting star that he would become one of the greatest musicians to ever live, still motivating him to this day.

Astrophel made it into Moongleam from his talent alone as he barely scraped by the entrance exams, however, close to the time he was going to start attending the university his parents sadly passed away in a car accident.


Astrophel still mainly focuses on music while attending university, knowing that his parents would want him to keep going and fulfill his dreams which they all shared. He pushes himself to learn new instruments and write new and different songs, trying all he can to improve. He even runs a music club at the university and teaches a band of younger students and allows them to perform with him at concerts - which he plans many of. At one point he got very burnt out on the lifestyle he made for himself, forcing himself to do it as it was the only thing that brought him some sort of comfort about his parent’s death. Less and less people were attending and his enjoyment slowly depleted. This dark time caused Astro’s grades to drop, however it also brought around a great change, Skylar.


This new found friendship allowed Astro to take it slow, spending time with someone doing nothing in particular which created a type of comfort Astro had never experienced until now. Skylar would help him plan a little in advance to avoid feeling overwhelmed, and she helps come up with visual ideas for his concerts to keep people interested.

During breaks between semesters, Astro will frequently head back home to his grandparents and care for them while showing off his new learned skills.

Skylar best friend

Skylar tutors Astrophel semi-often. Despite their difference in personalities they have some shared interests, like space and video games, which they spend time talking about and playing. Astrophel regularly introduces her to more people and encourages her to socialise alongside him.

Loops friend

A long time friend of Astro’s. They’re both always available to make the best of the prizes Loops wins. They spend many weekends together but have a habit of making sure Astro’s at least attempted his homework before making plans.

Name relation

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Name relation

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