


5 years, 2 months ago



Name Aubade
Age 28
Gender Cisfemale
Class Monk
Race Half-Orc
Deity Mysticeti

Aubade is one of the High Priestesses of the Mysticeti, and the last one before the Sunken District was restored to the surface. She took over after her mother as the conduit for the will of the Mysticeti but lost connection with it very quickly, not realizing that it had instead begun to commune with her apprentice instead. For most of her time as High Priestess she was pregnant with twins and gives birth to them as the Sunken District is brought back to the surface.


  • the ocean
  • children
  • meditation
  • the harp


  • helplessness
  • disappointing others
  • teenage rebellion
  • evil


A very serious and spiritual woman.


The High Priestess of the Worship, Aubade is the closest thing to an authority in the Sunken District besides the spirit of the Mysticeti. Aubade spends most of her time meditating or praying by the remains of the Mysticeti in hopes that it will provide guidance to solve their predicament under the waves. She is one of the most powerful fighters in the Worship; after the University’s attack, they have since trained themselves in the ways of peaceful combat. Aubade, however, is heavily pregnant with twins and is of no use in battle. Aubade was an apprentice to the previous High Priestess, the last person the Mysticeti talked to. With her gone, Aubade struggles to keep order in a decaying world and reconnect with the Mysticeti. She is very no-nonsense with the other priestesses in order to cover her insecurities.  


After giving birth to her twins and handing the role of High Priestess over to Alba, Aubade spends her time with her new family and helping her neighbors reconnect with life on the surface. She becomes close to Sophronia during the Reconstruction and helps her through her pregnancy, even becoming godmother to Sophronia's son Xander.



Alba  [ apprentice ]

Aubade, young herself, finds it hard to rein in her feisty teenage protege. She attempts to teach her in the same way she was taught, and is only met with resistance. Coupled with her fear of failing her District and lack of guidance from the Mysticeti, Aubade does not handle Alba as delicately as she should. Once Alba rebels and proves herself a strong leader after all, Aubade is comfortable handing the role of High Priestess over to Alba. The two become closer as time goes on, with Alba babysitting the twins often.


Sophronia  [ friend ]

Following the District rising and rejoining the town of Noachis, Aubade and Ronnie become friends during Reconstruction meetings. Once Aubade learns of Ronnie's pregnancy (and inadvertently reveals it to her for the first time) she uses her previous knowledge as a midwife to help Ronnie through it.

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