




Full Name Helix Nicknamed X
Age Unknown Gender Female
Origin Unknown Race Pikachu Hybrid
Role Side Character Alignment Unknown
Sellable Not For Sale Theme Song Unknown

This character was purchased from someone else who received it from the creator. This character is currently a work in progress. I am trying something new and having people send ideas, suggestions, and any sort of thoughts at all about the character. I will then compile all of these, review them, and try to create the character using as many of them as possible.








Helix was a normal, mostly friendly pikachu originally, but a series of events that took place during Mewtwo's escape from the lab in Kanto caused many mutations to take place. Dark Type DNA corrupted thie normally well natured pikachu, causing her to become a bit more greedy and more willing to take advantage of others. Using the superstitious nature of humans to her advantage, she now basically enjoys a relaxed lifestyle. She has a sarcastic and snide sense of humor and usually takes enjoyment at others misfortunes, whether caused by her or not. Helix enjoys some privacy and not being seen by humans, less they become too interested in trying to find her, or worse, capture her. For this reason, she tends ot be a bit more laid back and does not usually get invlved with humans at all, but has when her life style is threatened.


  • Darkness
  • Food
  • Team Rocket
  • Superstitions


  • Daylight
  • Pokemon Trainers
  • Arrogance
  • Cameras









She has practiced and studied flying. While not as good as a fearow or pidgeot, she is still rather skilled.

Sight & Sound

Thanks to the Golbat and Zaroark DNA, her sense of hearing and night vision have improved


Able to understand humans and their behavior much better, including read English. Cannot speak it though.


A couple decades ago, there was a laboratory conducting genetic experiments in the Kanto region. The DNA of many pokemon were used, altered, and tested during the years of research to achieve their goal. The scientists succeeded in creating the most powerful pokemon ever, and in doing so also created their biggest threat. Fed up with being treated as property, their creation broke out and escaped in an explosion. The eruption shook the peace of the nearby forest and its inhabitants. One of these residents of the forest, a pikachu, was curious what happened and went to investigate. Humans and pokemon alike were trying to escape the crumbling lab engulfed by flames. A ditto, one of their DNA testing subjects, managed to escape to the outside during the chaos. When our pikachu came across this ditto, it transformed out of fear and attacked. Weak from the explosion, the ditto opted for an escape plan rather than battle strategy. Choosing the form of a golbat, the ditto bit the pikachu to make it flinch, then followed with supersonic to confuse the opponent. With the pikachu stunned and disoriented, the ditto's plan worked and it immediately flew off in its golbat form.


The battle had an unexpected side effect. The experimentations had changed the ditto, and during the bite some of its DNA and golbat DNA were injected into the pikachu, which were triggered by the supersonic wavelengths. She felt aganozing pain begin on her back. Still confused and unsure what was happening, she tried running off as best she could before the pain became too much and blacked out. Waking up later, the pain had subsided and the confusion worn off. She slowly realized she was moving, or rather being carried. Wiggling and squirming to get away, whatever had her tightened its grip. Panicking, she chose to bite the captor, which dropped her to make a break for it. Looking back, she saw it was a human, but also saw a wing right behind her. The pikachu cut left trying to lose the winged pokemon pursuing. An intense migraine suddenly throbbed in her skull, causing her to collapse and hold her head in pain as the mutations were starting again. When the headache began to ease, she took notice the wings seen before were actually her own. She also seemed to have a greater level of intellegence now, comprehending things in a much more logical and rational way.


Thinking over what had transpired, she concluded that somehow the bite caused DNA to merge with hers and resulted in the wings to form, while the bite on the human caused a human level of understanding. Deciding to practicing flying with these new wings, she went back to the wreckage of the laboratory to learn more. There were humans still around, though it seemed they were fighting. One type of uniform fighting another type of uniform. Using the commotion for cover, she flew into the lab and began exploring. After learning about the experiements, DNA, and what was happening at the lab, she decided to take up the name "Helix". Though most of the stuff was destroyed or taken by the humans, she was able to find a sample of Zoroark DNA among the debris. Thinking it would give her illusionary powers, she injected herself with it. However, it caused her fur to turn black and wings red while the dark typing corrupted her personality.


Despite everything she had gone through and what had happened to her, the corruption within her was qquite happy with the results. No longer a normal pikachu, she now had a distinct advantage at night, a nasty bite, and able to fly now. This was a blessing to her. Her enhanced intellegence allowed her to better understand human behavior and start to use that to her benefit. She took up residence in a nearby human village, living in the attic of an elderly woman and making herself at home. Stalking the forest and village for food, the winged black pikachu soon became a mythos similar to Celebi or Mew woth humans sightings. Unsure if this creature was good or bad, some began to leave offerings of food at night. This was unexpected, but she began taking these offerings and would generally leave those places alone. While some found the practice foolish, others began to as well. There also seemed to be a symbol of two crossed lines near many of these offerings. Mistaking it for an ✗ as she studied the human symbols, she assumed this was what humans called her. She does her best to stay out of sight, but once in a while these beings need to be reminded of the local legend.

HTML by lowkeywicked