Reth "Rex Atronador" Ziest



5 years, 2 months ago


Basic Info

Full Name Reth Ziest Age 29
Nickname Rex Atronador Location Cienel Dimension
Species Gorochu Alignment Neutral-Good
Gender Male Theme Song No Theme
Sexuality Bisexual For Sale? No

Reth Ziest is a Gorochu, which is the scrapped evolution of Raichu. He is an actor that portrays the prominent villain “Rex Atronador” on the TV series “Max V”. Reth is actually a really nice person who appreciates art, despite his intimidating and aggressive appearance. In the dimension he comes from, gorochu are normal, but rare as no one has been able to determine how and have left many thinking it is random.


Note: The design was created by Siqko commissioned by me. As such, we have agreed to both own the design and permission is needed from both of us to use. We are both nice, so please ask. The design itself is difficult to accurately express by words. The overall color is reddish orange with a white chest and belly, as well as a vertical stripe in the center of the face that is wider at the bottom. The inner ear and a mane around the neck/head are yellow with a hint of orange. The mane is not connected on the chest. Black provides accents in the following spots: A thin pointed strip down the forehead, cheeks circles, diamond rhombus on the knees, the 3 tips of both ears, and all 4 paws. The tail has a black base, then an orange section, then black and orange stripes, then a black section that leads to an arrow point. A large zigzag, elongated triangle forms the end of the tail in the same color as the mane.








Reth "Rex Atronador" Ziest is a gorochu with a sort of dual personality with is acting career. Reth Ziest is a very humble and friendly person with an appreciation for art in all forms. He enjoys getting to know others and appreciate them for their true beauty. An admirer of both inner and outer beauty, he is considered a nudist in that he finds the physical body to be a work of art in all shapes, while clothing often hides the art rather than enhance it. This personality along with his intimidating look is what brought the character "Rex Atronador" to life. Rex is an affably evil villain of the superhero "Max V". This means he is a gracious host who will happily invite the hero for dinner and serve a gourmet meal, even try to convince the hero to walk away, but then immediately try to dispose of the hero if they continue to interfere with his plans. Reth is the actor who portrays "Rex" for the TV show iteration. His suave nature combined with aggressive appearance pair perfectly in portraying the character.


  • Making Others Smile
  • Acting
  • Charity
  • Art


  • Bullies
  • Large Crowds
  • Greed
  • Clothes









Can paralyze the target.


Takes the hits before dealing the damage back two-fold.


Creates a decoy, great for escaping crowds.

Body Slam

Looks good and has a chance to paralyze the target.


Reth had a very happy childhood with his mother raichu and father delphox. While his dad worked in an office building for Megla-O, his mom worked at a local daycare. Seeing as almost each day was spent with his mom, he grew close to her and quickly evolved to a pikachu from happiness. Despite being a pikachu, he was still rather young. As he got older, he began working at the office with his father, mostly reorganizing cabinets and filing paperwork. A new branch president took over with a new direction, and upon meeting Reth, the president wanted him to voice the automated phone system. The company paid for him to go to a voice coach and professional recording studio in order to get the best quality for the phone system. The voice coach was a human, but became good friends with Reth. Soon the recording was in place, and the overall response was highly satisfactory. The president decided Reth would be the voice of the branch, doing the voice over work for the commercials too.

#26 Raichu

On his 21st birthday, his father gave him a thunderstone. He had it wrapped in a sealed plastic container so it could be handled, allowing his son to make the decision whether to evolve. After discussing it with his voice coach and the branch president, he recorded a year's worth of commercials in a couple months before returning home and evolving. His voice did change as a raichu, but his voice coach continued to work with him as a friend. At this point, his previous position of secretarial work had been filled by an anthro pikachu named Talya. So he continued to do voice acting as best he could, but the president of Megla-O gave him a year's severance package as thanks for his work. It came in handy as he had his own apartment by this time, and work was scarce for the voice acting raichu.

#27? Gorochu

At the age of 23, Reth had managed to secure a job doing voice overs for a line of products aimed at sophisticated males. His voice as a raichu was suiting as it was masculine, without sounding aggressive or intimidating. The company sent him the complete line of products, which he did find quite pleasant. While showering with one of the products, he felt a sensation rush over him, like a surge of energy. It reminded him of when he evolved to a raichu. When he reached down to grab some more soap, he noticed his paw and arm looked vastly different. In disbelief, he scrambled out of the shower and wiped the mirror off. He had evolved into a Gorochu. His voice had changed once more as well. It was deeper and more masculine, but still a smooth suave rather than gruff. He reported to the recording studio to explain the situation, but was confronted by security after swiping in with his badge. During the confrontation, he was frustrated but still trying to be polite. A casting recruiter happened to witness the altercation, and waited while things were straightened out with security. The recruiter explained about a new superhero TV show called "Max V", and that his kind yet intimidating appearance would be perfect for a main villain. That is how "Rex Atronador", the friendly yet evil villain came to be. Reth has happily been acting as Rex for several years, and has appeared at many events and cons to promote the show and meet with fans.




[ Co-Worker/Friend ]

Portrays “Viro” in the Max V show.


"Tangan Kanan"

[ Co-Worker/Friend ]

Portrays “Tangan Kanan” in the Max V show.

Adult Content

(18+ Only)

With an admiration for the body as a natural art, Reth is a nudist and encourages it when others are visiting his home. Being a suave smooth talker, his tongue can often work the clothes off of females and males alike. However, he is also extremely respectful and wants his guests to be comfortable, so they can wear as much or as little as they want. If he knows someone is attending that is not comfortable with others doing it, he will ask that everyone dresses appropriately to help all his guests enjoy their visit. Sometimes these visits lead to more, but that is not always his goal.

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