Luciel (Old Info (For reference))



Name: Luciel

Gender: Male

Age: He's a digimon???? 

Species: Lucemon

Rank: Rookie/Champion

Attribute: Vaccine

Type: Virus Busters 

Attacks: Grand Cross (Traps foes within a summoning circle before blasting them with holy energy. Will not use this unless necessary), Holy Water (splashes foes with a sort of acid water. Affects Nightmare/Dark area digimon more)

Personality: The shyest and sweetest digimon you'll ever meet. He's meek at first due to still being on edge after barely escaping the emperor, but under his newfound partner and new digimon allies, he grows a lot more into a much more mature digimon.

VA: Alphonse Elric

Digivolution Line

Fresh: Puttimon

Intraining: Cupimon

Rookie/Champion: Lucemon 

Ultimate/Mega: Lucemon Falldown Mode (sadly never achieves this form) 

Armor Evolution: Areimon (Courage), Chinchillamon (Friendship) Cuharpymon (Love), Faemon (Sincerity), Scorpmon (Knowledge), Piecxmon (Reliability), Capricormon (Hope), Bunmon (Light), Ferretmon (Kindness)