


5 years, 2 months ago


Full Name: Jules Mathias Langeais

Birth date and Birth Place: May 16th, 1915 in Apremont, France

Eye color: dark brown

Hair color: dark brown

Intermediate family: parents, aunt, uncle, cousin

Nationality or ethnicity: Half Greek, a fourth French and a forth Chinese. 

Sexuality: Straight. 

Random Facts

-Hamish Langeais' and Jules' fathers are identical twins, they always had trouble telling Nigel from Darian as kids and still have problems with it. 

-He loves his cousin, Hamish Langeais, and has a habit of calling him and telling him to come back to Entremont-Le-Vieux because he wants to hang out with him and have him back like the times they had in the last year of Hamish going to high school. 

-Being raised in a smallish town, his school classes usually never had more than 15 kids in it. 


Jules, being born to his parents, Darian and Samantha, grew up a bit better off than most of the kids in his area of Entremont-Le-Vieux. He was more or less raised under his mother's infatuated relationship with the Catholic church. Jules didn't like this much and ended up getting in trouble a lot. His father was more lenient on what he did to get into trouble, but Samantha would blow up like a mushroom cloud. He attended the local schools throughout his life, not really sure where he was headed. In his teenage years, he sought to get into a bit more trouble, kind of being a ladies man and the somewhat king of his grade. 

His parents pestered him about going to the local community college, which he did and now he lives still in Entremont-Le-Vieux, but heads up to Chambéry for classes every day. Jules lives in an overpriced apartment building due to wanting to find some individuality from his parents. He works a part time dead end job at a smoke shop and sometimes plays in a local band. His parents still pay for his tuition and nobody sees Jules going anywhere.