


5 years, 1 month ago



Gender Agender

Pronouns They/them

Profession Mesmer [Virtuoso]

Cycle Night

Sexuality Bisexual

Occupation Pact Commander

Species Sylvari

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Very tall, based off of lupine plants. Their body is largely formed of overlapping flower petals, as is their hair, though there is still some leaf and bark to be found, mostly at the small of their back and around their joints. Most of their skin is varying shades of pale blue, their glow a bright purple-pink, and their eyes seem almost to lack pupil. They have small lupine flowers like eyebrows and long stalks like antennae coming from their eyes and the bunches of petals underneath each of their leaflike ears.

Their brief fall under Mordremoth's control left them with some lingering changes. Though they are careful most times to hide it, Lobht's mouth can split open four ways, with thorn-like protrusions lining the inside of their cheeks like a carnivorous plant.


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Sed elementum urna eget dapibus lacinia. Etiam vel ligula quis turpis fermentum pretium quis non diam. Cras id sapien nec urna viverra posuere ac non odio. Pellentesque cursus tellus arcu. Proin sodales vulputate consectetur. Pellentesque bibendum orci at mauris venenatis rutrum. Quisque ac ipsum posuere, lacinia massa eu, ullamcorper mauris. Aliquam dignissim, elit eu bibendum placerat, nunc mauris iaculis erat, sit amet efficitur nibh mauris ultrices tortor. Duis arcu sem, vestibulum eu placerat sed, fringilla sit amet risus. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Duis consequat vehicula diam, a pretium augue feugiat nec. Donec sed purus odio. Cras aliquam at felis in dapibus. Ut sit amet turpis arcu. Nulla posuere augue bibendum, maximus metus vitae, tincidunt nisi. Aenean sed libero massa.

Vestibulum vitae ligula pharetra, euismod neque id, consectetur purus. Aliquam vitae luctus turpis. Etiam efficitur interdum varius. Donec condimentum quis neque ac efficitur. Mauris eu pretium sapien. In sagittis eros in mi semper, quis tristique quam posuere. Morbi vel nulla vel leo pretium tristique. Vivamus fringilla magna lobortis dolor interdum cursus. In in maximus velit. Sed iaculis ipsum ac sollicitudin pellentesque. Ut rhoncus metus a nunc eleifend pellentesque gravida non odio. Aliquam vel sapien interdum, ultricies ante gravida, viverra odio. Mauris ultrices suscipit nibh. Aliquam volutpat diam et pretium consectetur. Praesent id eros at enim cursus gravida. Mauris ultrices porta lectus, a auctor libero gravida nec.


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Lobht is a young sylvari born under the cycle of night, though their personality isn't typical of night blooms. Though they remain calm and composed on the outside, Lobht typically prioritizes feelings over logic and is easily swayed by such things.

Though they prefer to keep to themselves and their friends, they have an imposing presence on the field and a talent for connecting with people -- having a strong sense of morals they refuse to break and being an excellent listener. They are generally polite and well-spoken, though they tend towards being condescending and passive aggressive to those they dislike rather than outright hostile.

Lobht is stubborn and goal-oriented, caring strongly about what they see as their responsibility, often to the detriment of themselves. Though somewhat naive to begin with, they have learnt wariness and despite their generally empathetic nature, their trust is difficult to win and easily broken; they can come across quite often as grumpy and cynical nowadays. They are easily influenced by others' reactions, taking them as proof of someone's opinion even if they are temporary and acting accordingly.

They are overall very critical of themselves and spend a lot of time finding fault in their own actions. A pessimist in the day to day, there is still optimism in them, at least enough to keep them believing in and doing what they're doing, even as it wears on them.


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