Emrys Perdue (Hallmark AU)



1 year, 5 months ago


Emrys Perdue

Make my wish come true. All I want for Christmas is you!

Gender Trans Man
Pronouns He/Him
Age Mid-Late 30s
DoB Aug 10th
Sign Leo
S.O. Demiro Pan
Height 6'3 ft
Alignment Lawful Good
Occupation Real Estate Agent
Hometown A Big City
I really can't stay
But baby it's cold outside
I've got to go away
Baby it's cold outside
This evening has been...
Been hoping that you'd drop by
So very nice
I'll hold your hands
They're just like ice
Extroverted Introverted
Instinctive Calculated
Polite Sassy
Deceptive Sincere
Indifferent Emotional
Reserved Affectionate
Lone wolf Team player
Archetype The Scrooge
Leading trait Friendly
Biggest flaw Anxious

Design notes

  • Keeps his hair braided and his beard somewhat short
  • Owns a lot of business casual clothes
  • A bit more wrinkly than in canon- deeper crows feet and whatnot
  • Hair going gray in some areas as well
  • Doesn't often wear jewelry, but he does like it occasionally. His ears are pierced

Emrys Perdue has always been the one who could be counted on for working through the holiday season! Even so, when he gets the chance to reconnect with his long lost twin brother over Christmas, he takes a vacation- only to get stranded in a small town inn during a freak blizzard on his way to see him! Tensions running high, can the handsome innkeeper, Karmos Kyil, remind Emrys of how joyous the holidays can be..?!

...well, that's the synopsis anyways!

Emrys didn't always hate Christmas- in actuality, he used to love it. As a child, some of his best memories were exchanging presents with his twin brother, Wyn. Though, the rest of their family wasn't the best, the two of them had each other's backs... or so they thought, until there was a particularly nasty fight between Wyn and their parents, and Emrys was too scared to step in. When Emrys woke up Christmas Day that year, Wyn had run away in the middle of the night. The two brothers fell out of contact completely, and the holiday season became too painful to bear...

So, Emrys threw himself into his work. He got a job at a big city real estate agency, became estranged from the rest of his family, and never let himself get close to anyone. Still, when Wyn did finally reach out wanting to talk, Emrys agreed immediately to drive down and see him.

And now, onto the movie!

Emrys is about halfway to where Wyn is when the weather takes a turn for the worse, leaving him unable to drive any further. What's worse, the phone lines are out, so Emrys can't even call Wyn to tell him what's going on... out of options, he begins to stay at the Kyil Bed & Breakfast, planning on leaving the moment the snow clears up enough. However, as he's there, he gets closer and closer to innkeeper Karmos and his niece, Quirkilxa...

Anyways, after some gay piano duets, mistletoe set up by a certain scheming niece, and Wyn showing up near the end through some Santa-is-real-actually holiday magic, everything is just great! Emrys quits his job, moves in with his now-lover, Karmos, and reconnects with his brother. And, throughout all of that, he finally remembers the true meaning of Christmas or whatever.

And, once again, Santa is almost certainly implied to be real. This is a Hallmark movie, after all.

  • Big Dogs
  • The Piano
  • Snowy Weather
  • A Sensible Cardigan
  • The Holiday Season
  • Most of his Family
  • Uncertainty
  • City Life, Admittedly
  • Balcony Gardening
  • Writing Poetry
  • Reading
  • Piano, but only Sometimes
