
5 years, 3 months ago


CW: General Satellite City/Kivouachian dark lore, gore, apathy, murder, all taken lightly


8’ tall



His entire body is covered in thick scale-like skin that thins out in joints and other areas of movement. To make up for this even stronger plates line his back, stomach, and tail. His head is like a huge block of exoskeleton, unbending and thick. It opens through the center, both face halves sliding horizontally to reveal his vertical mouth full of uneven sharp teeth. It produces blue saliva, which has been noted as incredibly unappealing in taste by his mate. Pincers pivot in sockets and can produce a small range of noises when rubbed against each other. He has two pairs of arms, the primary ones being similarly formed to a praying mantis, with three separate sections opposed to the secondary limbs two parts. Each limb ends in a blunt scythe-like section, the ends surprisingly sharp despite their innocent-looking appearance. These make a far larger range of noises when rubbed together, and he has mastered making music with these limbs after centuries of practice. Their secondary built-in weapon is their tail tip, harsh prongs an effective use when pinned. His wings are incredibly useful for flight, and travel, but has a nasty habit of being absolutely torn to bloody shreds in battle. His legs have knee plates in the shape of a trident, though his right has been gone far before earth times. The bottom of his legs have four sections that flex and bend better than the rest of his body and end in two claws that are for grip and traction rather than battle. He also has a large fluffy mane that is really good for snuggles.

Most mistake him for being mute due to his silent demeanor, those that don't usually regard him as stupid(which he rapidly corrects) due to his communication being mostly chirps and clicks. He is entirely capable of complex language and communication but prefers to express himself in music and body language. As far as how he carries himself, he is an old-school kivouachian who very firmly believes in wit and physical strength. He is serious and attentive, not one for jokes or goofing off. Not that he doesn't appreciate humor from others though when it isn’t childish or potty humour. Music is his truest passion, and he creates it with his pincers and scythe-like limbs, sometimes even singing without lyrics. He has a deep-rooted disdain for modern human music, especially pop and rap. But can understand the appeal of classical music. He respects Ludwig's current leadership though he has never personally met him.

He has a great fascination with modern earth life forms. After ignoring and despising them for centuries he grew a sudden intrigue as a new fad of pet keeping began. They were weak and fleshy (a conclusion he came to after attempting to lift some of the more pathetic ones and accidentally cutting them to the point that they bled out), but intriguing. He indulged himself with various mammals, keeping the weak creatures around until he grew bored of them. The kivouachians that knew of his habits mostly frowned upon it, and claimed it as a weakness but he never had any real attachment to the creatures and discarded them the same as one would the morning paper. They were fascinating, not worthy of his affections.

The initial meeting with his mate on earth didn't go so well, the first words he ever spoke to her being “I had a rabbit once, the disgusting creature still far more worth my time than you, with you being a poor excuse for a kivouachian after all.” the statement led into a surprisingly even fight, the angry attacks turning into a passionate exchange. They were smitten by each other's abilities, though he still asserted his dominance and gained her submission. They engaged in a conversation that lasted 58 hours, the longest he had ever spoken. It was from here that they became mates. Neither were too fond of the idea of quitule and thusly have no children together as of yet. This doesn't stop them from engaging in body distortion and humiliation, however.


-Has avoided humans and isn't super knowledgeable on their history.

-Was a great musical entertainer in The Underbirth, working with countless other great performers in Yeshua's performance hall. Most of his spare time was spent in battle though.

-Few interactions with humans have never lead to anything good. Usually, they overreact to his appearance and wound up dead or freaking out/running back to their homes in a panic.

-Not fond of alcohol

-Once had a passion for abstract paintings and poetry but dropped the hobbies for unknown reasons.

-Very much a sadist though he tries to act more civilized than acting on his urges.

-Has only been beaten once, but his head was not destroyed and he reformed albeit humiliated. Took a long time to regain his pride, and some never deemed him worthy of it again despite his lack of losses after this point.

-As his “good deed” to thank the unknown kivouachian that spared him he allowed a foe that offered extreme capitulation to live. He mostly made the shamed creature prepare meals and hunt down food as he repaired his broken pride on the battlefield. It was killed later by a group of four that ganged up on him in a shameful display to steal his kwel. He quickly acted in revenge for the destruction of his property and offed the lesser beings easily, creating a particularly harsh structure with their bodies. He returned the tongue to the corpse of his fallen ‘slave’, marking them as worthy of at least their tongue back. Though its body still lay in humiliation for centuries.

-Isn't fond of meat or other forms of nutrients. Much prefers kwel and classic cannibalism due to it being both a mark of prowess in battle and full of the proper vitamins and nutrients. 

-Very old school but restrains himself from straight-up engaging in combat with everyone he meets. 

-Keeps to himself and doesn’t muddle with modern politics and affairs, hearing about the going on's only from his chatterbox of a mate. 

-Like many, believes the earth to be a pathetic home to their great race and misses the home they had trodden on for centuries as the alpha species. Yearns for the brutality and challenge of life before earth.

-Has had 3 mates before Thran. Had offspring with one of them, devoured another after he was injured and rendered pathetic, and the last was killed by another in combat.

-Most definitely the physically stronger one and more capable in battle, though Thrah is nothing to scoff at either.