Lennia Strior



8 years, 14 days ago


Homestuck fan character.
No longer a sona due to personal changes and Homestuck's modern problems

Typing quirk: You /ike to ta/k with a /itt/e s/ant to your words. Replaces l with / and L with \
Trolltag: trivialIllustrator
Blood: Jade
True Sign: Ariborn
Lunar Sway: Derse
God Tier: Heir Of Rage 12334027_21Yn231jeIVB49h.png
Land: The Land Of Thunder And Slime
Pronouns: they/them
Blurb: Your interests include PALEONTOLOGY and DRAWING. You wield the ironKind Specibus combined the Iron, Footprint Fossil, and Model Skyscraper to make your powerful weapon. The consorts of your land are VIOLENT GREEN ELEPHANTS who like TOMFOOLERY.

They are a troll murder and rainbow drinker who owns a Sweet Bro And Hella Jeff hat. Always uses hat puns whenever possible. They enjoy being cool with sunglasses. Lennia has a lab coat because science! Usually depicted as dead because all fan trolls died prior to the events of Homestuck. They were made using a Homestuck Fan Troll Creator. The Lunar Sway, God Tier, Land, and Blurb were all chosen using fan made personality quizzes and Homestuck OC generators.


by iinvy helped by LowkeyWicked