


8 years, 1 month ago



Name(s): Katadikasmenos

Age: Unknown
Birthday: October 31st
Gender: Agender
Sexuality: Monogamous, Panromantic, Pansexual
Pronouns: They/Them, She/Her, He/Him
Occupation: None
Voice: TBA

Height: 6'9

- Pyromancy
- Shapeshifting
- Flight
- Teleportation
- Possession

Relationship Status: Single
- Schale
- Maddei
- Acia
- Fontay
- Renmik
Best Friend:
Adoptive Mother - Jaetha

Kat's Personality: 
Kat comes off as a ruthless, and hateful demon, and he seems sworn to hurting anyone who comes near to him, but he can be rather kind once someone gets close to him. He's untrusting of those around him, far more than both of his other forms, and he tends to lash out at all that try to get close to him at some point. He's filled with regrets that plague him from his past, though he doesn't talk about them, and continues on, letting everything build up until something finally causes him to snap. He's incredibly isolated, and if anyone tries to contact him through one of his other forms minds, he makes it a task for them, a puzzle even. He is, however, loyal to those who gain his trust, protecting them at all costs, even if it means horrible things for himself, though sometimes his morals will become tied, and his desire to eliminate all the people who betrayed him is just as strong, which can conflict him if the people he loves, and the people he hates, collide. He can change his body at will, and will morph in certain situations, though it happens most of the time when he's feeling like everything is going wrong.  
Likes:  The few people he cares for, being free, fire, gore-y action movies, isolation, small animals (especially rabbits and bats), his current form, his other forms (for the most part).
Dislikes:  Being trapped, human-kind, his own kind, having ties to people, feeling like everything is out of control, being unable to remember back when he was human.

Theme Song(s):
- Ed Sheeran - I See Fire
- Tribe Society - Kings
- Linkin Park - Figure.09