Katadikasmenos (Surtep)



5 years, 7 months ago


10172731_4rmX2pJXscOijTw.png4009216_a7OItiDNwGiWU9C.gif?1498157609Name: Surtep Lorenz

Age: 16
Birthday:  November 2nd
Gender: Agender
Sexuality: Monogamous, Panromantic, Pansexual
Pronouns: They/Them, She/Her, He/Him
Occupation: None

Height: 4'8

- Pyromancy
- Flight
- Teleportation

Relationship Status: Single
- Schale
- Maddei
- Acia
- Fontay
- Renmik
Best Friend:
Adoptive Mother - Jaetha

Surtep is a rather kind spirit, who's shy to begin with, but can easily be brought out of their shell if they enjoy interacting with someone or something. They're
very secretive and suspicious, not being quick to trust, and tend to have trust issues with most people. They have a bad tenancy to act first and think later, which can land them in a lot of trouble even with the people they love, which often makes them isolate themselves and shy away from interactions.
The line between Surtep and Kat is much greater than Kat's other host, and the two can seem like completely different people at times, but their motives remain the same, and their temper is short as well. Surtep can easily be sparked into a temper tantrum, and they'll often act pretty feral when this occurs. And despite the line between Kat and Surtep being rather sturdy, Kat's personality can poke through, and can throw people off because of the sudden change.
Likes:  The few people he cares for, being free, fire, gore-y action movies, isolation, small animals (especially rabbits and bats), his current form, his other forms (for the most part).
Being trapped, human-kind, his own kind, having ties to people, feeling like everything is out of control, being unable to remember back when he was human.

Theme Song(s):
- Ed Sheeran - I See Fire
- Tribe Society - Kings
- Linkin Park - Figure.09