Katadikasmenos (Atheos)



5 years, 7 months ago


4009209_cYVi4UPQS1lXS24.gif?1498157620Name: Atheos Therav
Species: Human

Atheos's Age: Unknown
Birthday: Atheos: December 11th
Gender: Agender
Sexuality: Monogamous, Panromantic, Pansexual
Pronouns: They/Them, She/Her, He/Him
Occupation: None
Voice: TBA

Height: Atheos: 5'11

- Pyromancy
- Shapeshifting (To Kat's form)
- Flight
- Teleportation

Relationship Status: Single
- Schale
- Maddei
- Acia
- Fontay
- Renmik
- Nep
- Spirit
- Kaine(?)
- Cyrus
- Spectre
- Cally
Best Friend:
Adoptive Mother - Jaetha

Atheos is an apathetic character who's rather selfish and self-centred, his actions will usually benefit him in some way. He's very relaxed most of the time, but he's quick to anger and won't easily forgive and forget. He's a hard person to befriend, and people usually have to be persistent with him, but if someone gets close to him, close enough that he considers them to be a good friend, he will go out of his way to protect them and help them at all costs.
He often comes off as power-hungry, Kat's motives to get stronger mixing with his, and causing him to feel a need for more and more power. The line between him and Kat is extremely thin, and the two different personalities begin to overlap more as he ages, or when he's in certain situations, which has caused Atheos to become rather unstable over time, him questioning himself and contradicting himself quite a bit.
Likes:  The few people he cares for, being free, fire, gore-y action movies, isolation, small animals (especially rabbits and bats), his current form, his other forms (for the most part).
Dislikes:  Being trapped, human-kind, his own kind, having ties to people, feeling like everything is out of control, being unable to remember back when he was human.

Theme Song(s):
- Ed Sheeran - I See Fire
- Tribe Society - Kings
- Linkin Park - Figure.09