
8 years, 1 month ago


5838158_XSRuo8oL1V9y6YE.gifName: Jaetha Kalsie

Age: 30
Birthday: February 26th
Race: Indian
Gender: Female (Cis)
Sexuality: Polygamous, Panromantic, Homosexual
Pronouns: She/Her
Occupation: Geneticist, Astrophysicist, Engineer

Height: 5'5

Relationship Status:
Taken by Div
Best Friend:
Adopted Son - Atheos

Jaetha is a naturally very maternal, loving, and protective character, wanting the people she enjoys being around to be happy and to enjoy life as much as she does. After living for hundreds of years she's learned that she has to make herself enjoy moments and enjoy her life instead of letting everything get her down, like things did in her first century of life. After finding Atheos she found herself to be a very motherly and protective person, her needing to constantly look out for and protect her adopted son from the people seeking him. She's very strong willed, so much so that she travelled for hundreds of years to finally meet with someone she had lost, not coming very close to giving up and continuing on just hoping that she could find him again. She does have a tenancy to get frustrated at herself when she can't figure something out, or when others complain to her about things that they already have an easy solution for, but she tends to try and keep these emotions hidden.
