


5 years, 2 months ago


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name: zakuno
nicknames: big sib (kaino), zaku
age: ???
species: alien cat
gender: none (they/them)
sexuality: pansexual
relationship: open
zakuno doesn't smile much, or express at all, but they're very outgoing and likes seeing all kinds of things in the world. they're a little odd, but a good kid.
when with someone they like, you'll catch them rubbing off on them, especially with their tail, wrapping it around any surface of the other person they can find. difficult to convince to let go once they've cuddled up.
prefers to expresses themselves through their own alphabet of vocal noises, but can talk in normal language too. if you'd had to describe their noises, it'd be something like a cross of parrot and cat vocabulary.

usually explore the world by flying, seeing the world from a bird's eye view. they explore on foot too, but usually prefer to fly as to avoid traffic and sounds, seeing the world in their own little bubble.
when flying, they're really fast, but on foot they're even faster, able to pass you by in the blink of an eye, leaving an almost lightning trail in their wake. of course, they're usually just slowed down at a normal pace and trot along. only uses top speed when trying to get somewhere or when they don't want to deal with someone.