


4 years, 5 months ago


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name: kaino
nicknames: lil bro, lil shit (yokuseri), kain (zakuno)
age: 14
species: cat
gender: male (he/him)
sexuality: homosexual
relationship: too young
while kaino may seem sweet and gentle, he's the epitome of the >:3 emoji.
he's a snarky and sarcastic little kid, always ready to challenge someone in a battle of wits and words.
has a surprisingly good vocabulary for a 14 year old, seemingly all self taught. likes to boast about it occasionally.

he's often found getting on the nerves of his older brother, yokuseri. but, when not bickering, him and yoku get along really well.
they sometimes even team up for pranks and mischief, with zakuno overlooking him and his brother to make sure they get out okay.

when not bothering anyone else and on his own, kaino is a big fan of hiking and getting to super high spots. he accomplishes most of his climbing feats due to his pawpads, which allow him to stick to any surface with a 100% success rate. once stuck to something he can only let go again if he really consciously concentrates on letting go.

loves testing his pawpads' ability to the max, and even climbed halfway up a skyscraper before getting zakuno to float him back to the ground in tears.
never attempted that again, but still tends to push his limits a bit.