Albert Sunflower



5 years, 2 months ago



Name Albert Maddox Sunflower
D.O.B. 5th October
Age 30 years old
Gender Male
Race Human x devil
Work Architect + IT freelancer
Voice Song link
Theme Song link

"Y'all wanted a demon. The Devil. So come on here, there... I will give you one."

When you see him for the first time how to move in silence on the streets, you may think that he is a quiet and calm person. Nothing could be more wrong. It is true - he is fascinated by literature of any content if he could devote his life to reading, but this is his only quiet feature. Albert is very intelligent, which makes him very useful at work. Ah! He works as an architect. Despite this, life with him is very interesting and dynamic. Just because Albert is one of the most entertaining people, equally, everyone has days when they just like to sit at home with herbs or tea and books with their dog.

The boy is an owl. He sits at night, wakes up in the morning and is great. Slightly unhealthy, but since he likes it so much. In the morning he always drinks strong coffee and flies quickly to work. He loves evening walks with his dog - Ezechiel, they spend time on them about 2 and a half hours. After this time, Albert returns to his home and stays in it.

Albert lives on the outskirts of the city, but very often in the city itself. It's for work (sometimes works from home, if he can), then shopping etc. People sometimes look strangely at body accessories, but who cares about people's opinions. Certainly not him. Amazingly, Albert doesn't like crowds of people. I feel a little uncomfortable in it. But only a little bit. The man is also very structured, he has a planner in which he writes everything down, so if the deadline falls - he is slightly upset. The set is not lost when the customer does not give a specific description of what Albert should do and how to do. But well, there are people and annoying people.


dogs, especially Ezechiel (this boi is Albert's babey)literaturetea&coffeelong night walk


crowds of peoplenot-specific descriptions at workhe doesn't like violence, but he knows that it is needed sometimesmess in his house


Albert never met his father as a child. He will see him for the first time only when he dies. Albert's mother is a very lovely and nice woman named Nicole. Brunet was born in Dallas, but his memories of this city are not the best. Of course, as a child, time spent with friends in the yard who don't look at how you look was really nice. As you can see, he wasn’t an angel at a young age (well it’s hard to be an angel, when your father is literally a devil…). Albert, however, always had a desire to learn well. Trouble began in middle school. Teenagers then often feel that they are adults, and the buzzing hormones have to be unloaded on some donkey, which unfortunately Albert has become. He would start taunting the burned face, horns and tail. For a moment the poor child thought of tearing out additional elements and doing plastic surgery to start living like a normal person, not like a monster. Nicole obviously supported her son all the time. However, when she saw what happened to her beloved child, she decided to transfer him to another school for the second year. There, fortunately, Albert knew peace, but he was still afraid. It wasn't until high school that he saw that it really is thanks to it’s additions in some way ... Unique. Albert went to architectural studies in Dallas, in the meantime he was learning programming himself. After studying, he moved to his current place of residence, found a nice house on the outskirts. He adopted - Ezechiel - who was thrown outside his friend's house. Ezechiel is a borzoi who, thanks to his long work, has overcome his fear of people and is as cute as a lamb. At work, he met a team that thankfully accepted him. Now - he lives a normal, peaceful life, until a blond, almost two-meter long, has gotten into this peace.

Blood on hands

Like any teenager, Albert had a worse time. However, Albert's worse time was not manifested like a change in voice or the desire to please girls. I mean, okay, Albert's voice changed, but his time was also manifested by the desire to destroy everything that stood in his way. Apart from his beloved mother. He was dragged into a bad street, bad company at the wrong time and date. This company equipped Albert with a baseball bat, black mask and sweatshirt, which at that time was slightly too big for him. However, he grew up. It is difficult to wipe blood off clothes, especially wood. With hands and memories too. Now Albert keeps these souvenirs deep in the closet. The bat with rest of blood, however, stands next to his bed, with holes after spikes. As a cautionary tale. That this period would never happen again.




Jewgenij  [ husband ]

they fucked.

Albert met Jewgenij on a cold March evening. That means the man's dog more met another dog - Łajka. Trying to pet the German Shepherd, Albert was awakened by a voice with an eastern accent, which, as it turned out, belonged to a tall, almost two-meter blond...with a machine gun on his back. The talked night and devil being pinned by Żenia brought the two men closer.

From day to day they came closer to each other to finally recognize that this is a good time, to officially remain a couple.


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