Harli (Digimon)



5 years, 1 month ago


Digimon OC! First adventure she's around 10, and later when she's around 22 her main adventure begins. Follows a format like Cyber Sleuth in the latter half.

Partners; Meicoomon, Labramon and Lopmon

Each of them have special accessories! Each of Harli's digimon partners has a special name as well.

Meicoomon - Meimi
MeicooNyuramon / MeicooSalamon / Meicoomon / Meicrackmon / Raguelmon OR Rasielmon
The main digimon partner of Harli. While being a generally nice digimon, Meimi tends to get very nervous around new people and is empathic with her tamer. A goofy, fun-loving little gremlin, she will do absolutely anything- and I mean anything- to keep her tamer safe.

Labramon - Puppy or Lord Hades
Xiaomon / Labramon / Siesamon / Cerberusmon / Anubismon OR Plutomon
Originally one of the Olympus Twelve, Puppy was exiled for attempting to stop them from destroying yet another digital world. Now hatched once more into the care of Harli, he was secretly hoping to get her help to stop them. Along with Harli and many other kid tamers, the threat was put to rest... but, years later, when Harli needed his help in the real world, he answered the call, becoming her beloved Puppy once more. Old, wise, and a bit serious, Puppy is about the size of a labrador retriever- that being quite large for his species of digimon- and tends to advise the rest of the team. Despite his powerful status behind the scenes, he is actually quite lazy and docile a lot of the time.

Lopmon - Lolly (like lollypop)
Cocomon / Lopmon / Turuiemon / Antylamon / Cherubimon (Virtue), Normal OR X Antibody
Much smaller than the other two partners, Lolly is a sweet little Lopmon who is usually quite quiet and enjoys sweets and candies. She very rarely fights and is mostly just moral support for the others with her big, cute oversized ears and her warm little heart.