$10's Comments

Heya! do you take payment via steam by any chance?

I've not done so before but I have a steam account. How would it be done?

Basically i would buy u a game on steam in return for a character

that makes sense 

could you purchase The Sims 4 Paranormal Stuff Pack? my account is under Zokfaar same as here. 

OH, i just realised ive been messaging on the wrong character of yours, i meant this one 


are they for sale?

I'm afraid I can't remember the price for them hence why they are in art I'm afraid 

1 Replies

I can offer $10?

sure! please send $10 to [email protected] on paypal (include your username in the note and make sure i receive it in USD not GBP)
tell me when youve paid, thank you!


confirmed and transferring shortly!