Soda Cawthorn



5 years, 5 months ago


"Soda" Cawthorn

27 | 5'8" | ??? | A-


Soda Himself is quite mellow and curious, finding excitement in exploring the ruins of past civilizations on other planets. He enjoys telling his tall tales to others, even if some might not get some of the things he says. However, he doesn't take kindly to being mocked or underestimated, and will challenge people if he thinks they view him lowly. He's a bounty hunter at heart, so if there's a bounty to be had, he will try his hardest to claim it for himself.


In the year 25XX, Humanity has advanced to such a point that not only have they contacted alien life, they've even made friends, rivals and enemies with them. Intergalactic bars set up, and with that a new wild west was born, in the form of outer space...

Soda found fame and fortune in exploring ruined planets plundering for treasure and fugitives. While exploring one planet, he made friends with the wrong people...and paid the price for it in a lost arm. Rather than buying a basic prosthetic, he decided to invest a little more cash into an underground prosthetic manufacturer, which produced a strange hybrid between flesh and steel to replace the one he lost. Since then, he's continued in his endevours, however he picks his allies carefully so he would not repeat the same mistakes...


-Alien Tech arm: The arm that replaces his original has some...interesting quirks to it. For one, he can in fact feel pain if damaged, although it is a lot number than if he was damaged elsewhere. Interestingly, alongside some super strength it had strong magnetic powers, which when activated either drag the object toward him, or him towards the object (depending on which is heavier), If Magnetism isn't something he's feeling, it even comes with a grappling hook to help traverse dangerous areas. There's many more the arm can potentially do, but he has yet to discover it all..


-Very much inspired by Lara Croft and Peter Quill AKA Starlord

-The goo in the prosthetic is believed to be alien blood.