✫ Felicity ✫



5 years, 2 months ago


queen of the caribbean

Name Felicity
Sexuality Panromantic
Age Unknown (birthday is 06/05)
Gender Female
Height 5'5
Species Drennec
Occupation Magician's Assistant
Theme Song link

Felicity is pretty much a happy-go lucky Tropical Drennec. Self proclaimed Queen and Pirate of the Caribbean, she's as perky as anyone could imagine; she's just happy to live life her own way, pretty carefree. Despite being a dragoness with bat wings, she can't really fly too well (she's more so like a flying squirrel), but she makes up for it with her excellent climbing abilities. It gives her many advantages in that case, not only being able to get fruit from said trees with ease, but also being able to playfully pounce her unsuspecting victims from above the treetops. Careful though, she may just be out to get you too, as you read this!


  • Fruit
  • Hot Weather
  • Snuggles
  • Adventure


  • Mean People
  • Cold Weather
  • Volcanoes
  • Losing her friends


"Friends, Sun, Sand, and Sea, that sounds like a summer to me!"


  • Profile art is by ScoutingAhead !!
  • Felicity's known birthplace is on the island of Montserrat.
  • The Drennec Species is a open species by HayPanda.
  • Her color scheme mostly came from my home country's flag. I felt it was appropriate because she was meant to be a Caribbean/summer inspired Drennec.
  • As far as my knowledge goes, she's one of my most loved OCs!
  • Ironically, she's also one of my favorites, and one I cherish very heavily.


[To be added soon]


Snowball  [ Twin Brother ]

Snowball is Felicity's lovable and dorky twin. Perky, fun-loving, and silly just like her, seeing these two together only means double the trouble!

Tommy  [ Best Friend/Crush ]

Tommy's a close friend of Felicity; practically sees him as her best friend. She hangs out with him very often, if she's not with Aurelion, Snowball, or Jay and his dutchie squad. Felicity realizes she has a crush on him, however, but refuses to acknowledge it.

Aurelion  [ Adoptive Sister ]

Aurelion's practically Felicity's big sister figure (literally and figuratively). Mostly seen with her while she experiments with potions and magic, and tries her best to help make sure nothing goes wrong...and to make sure Aurelion doesn't end up knocking any over by accident.

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