》 Emberstar 《



5 years, 5 months ago




Name Emberstar
Gender male
Rank leader
Clan Emberclan
Prev. Clan Thunderclan
Sexuality heterosexual
Status alive


Emberstar was born and raised in Thunderclan. The only survivor of a litter of three, he grew up mostly by himself. He was born in a time without a lot of other kittens, so he passed his free time playing by himself or whichever apprentice could be bothered to spare some time for him. He always wished that he had living siblings so that he could have some cat to play with. His time as an apprentice was mostly uneventful, save one incident with a fox. A fox had been spotted in the territory and the apprentices were told to stay in camp. Thinking that he was strong enough to best it himself, though, Emberpaw snuck out in search of it. He found the fox and the two engaged in a tousle. Though at first he had felt confident, soon he realized that the fox was overcoming him. Fortunately, a patrol of warriors sent out on the same mission came across them and saved him from the fox's clutch. Emberpaw was punished for sneaking out and being reckless, though it cemented him in the clan as a brave, if slightly foolish, young cat. He managed to escape that day with only a few scratches on his shoulder, two of which scarred over and remain on his shoulder to this day. Emberstar was a warrior, Emberflight, when he met the love of his life, Lilystream. They became fast friends and he fell absolutely head over paws for her. They spent all of their time together, often going for walks alone in the woods and competing to see who could catch the most prey. Eventually, much to everyone's surprise, she became the new deputy of Thunderclan. He was the one cheering the loudest for her. Though it did affect their relationship - she was much busier than she had ever been before and could no longer spare as much time for him - he continued to love her and stay by her side. Eventually, the old leader decided that it was time for him to retire and she took his place as the new leader of Thunderclan. Though he was offered a position as her deputy, he turned it down, deciding that he would rather remain a warrior and watch her succeed. The war broke out only two days after the retirement of their previous leader. Lilystar had not yet been able to embark on the journey for her nine lives, and so was left with only one at the start of the war. Emberflight fought fiercely, trying his best to protect his clanmates. At one point during the war he found a Thunderclan kit curled up under a bush, hiding from some Shadowclan cats. Rescuing the kit, he became her new protector. Her mother had died previously and she had no siblings, so he watched over her during the war and following months. The war continued on, but in the end it all came to a screeching halt when the four leaders, Lilystar included, were struck down on the meeting island. Horror struck, he ran to her, but it was too late. Lilystar was gone. And so were the clans. The remaining cats of the four clans came together at last, urged forward by the deaths of their leaders and the sudden arrival of two-legs in the territories. Though no one knew quite what to do, they did know that they had to leave and that something had to be done about the clans. One night, as the cats were hiding away from the two-leg machines, they began to discuss the idea of a new leader. Arguments and rumors began to break out and then the clouds parted, startling everyone into silence. Light shone down onto Emberflight and another cat, Stormstreak. They had been chosen by Starclan as the leaders of the new clans. And so, reluctantly, he stepped up and together they made the decision to find a new place to call their home.


  • Emberstar always wanted children and regrets that he can't spend more time with his.
  • Despite having had two encounters with a fox, one of which was deadly, he doesn't harbor much fear for them.
  • Although he tries his best to appear stern and leaderly, he really does see the clan as his family and cares deeply for them all.
  • He hates getting wet because of how heavy it makes his thick pelt.


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