Uni Versus Uno



5 years, 2 months ago


Uni Versus Uno

"True beauty can only be achieved, when the old and rotten are being forgotten"

Uni Versus Uno

Uni Versus Uno

Biographical Information
  • Nicknames
    Uni, Black Hole
  • Name Meaning
    Uni versus Uno (mix.) - Everyone against one
  • Alias
    Uniqua (The name of her pet snake and the name of her first phase)
Personal Description
  • Birthday
  • Age
    unknown, probably a few thousand years
  • Gender
  • Height
    10'9 (Phase 1), 7'1 (Phase 2)
  • Fur Color
    pale blue-violet
  • Eye Color
    unknown, Uniqua has red eyes
  • Blood Type
    looks like space
  • Species
  • Status
  • Birth-Place
    on a crystal planet
  • Family
  • Occupation
  • Affiliation
    Has lost her job, when her planet got destroyed
  • Fighting Style
    Close range combat, Far range fighting

Uni Versus Uno is the last boss and main villain in the fictional Kirby Game "Kirby and the Beauty of space

This boss wants to attack Kirby's home planet, since she sees a certain potential in this starshaped planet to be a home for new, perfect beauty. For this beauty however, she wanted to look at the creatures of the planet first, so she captured a few of them. After looking at them, she knew, that she had to destroy the population of the planet to make space for new. But she needs the starmirror, her most dangerous weapon to do this. She only has one shard of it, while the others were shattered across Space, when Meta Knight attacked her. Now, Kirby has to find the shards, before Uni can fulfill her plan.


In her first phase, Uni is a tiny ball, controlling her now huge pet snake Uniqua. This snake has four crystals looking like eyes and a real eye in the center of her face. Her horns and wings are made out of crystals as well, and her body is made out of shards, which can be closened up to make her look more spikey. She also has a large tongue and fangs made out of pearl.

Her second phase however contains her Pet Snake in a tiny version around her neck. Uni has her eyes bound, because she doesn't want to see others anymore. She has crystals on her head and her arms are two sharp crystal katanas. her ghosty tail contains bones of the ones she has already eliminated. It is said that her fur is really soft. She also has bones behind her looking like wings. She uses them as bumerangs. In the last phase, she cuts her bound around her eyes up and you can see spider eyes looking at you. (her looks after the fight are still wip)



Uniqua (Phase 1) is very wise and calculates every move of the enemy. She only cares about wisdom and wants to know what beauty really means. She horts pearls and other shiny stuff in her skin to protect herself. Also, she is the best and only friend of Uni, but wouldn't die for her. Instead, Uniqua is sometimes even the reason for Unis behaviour: She makes Uni destroying more planets, since Uni sometimes doubts her actions, but Uniqua wants her to keep on to analyze her behaviour as well as likes and dislikes in "Beauty"

Uni (Phase 2) is very unstable when it comes to emotions. She's egocentric, wanting to be the center of attention, and sometimes she hates this flaw of hers. When she's getting ignored, she wants to help the people by making them prettier, so people would recognize her. This opinionbased thing is the one thing which controls her life. She tries to be perfect and more beautiful every day, even when she fights she wants to be recognized as a dancing warrior. And sometimes, she has to fight with her guilt of destroying some planets. But her best friend Uniqua tries to make her keep going, destroying more lifes.


Uniqua can increase and decrease her size as well as float above the ground. She attacks with crystals and pearls as well as her fangs, which have a poison causing the victim to become older physically. Her tongue is also used as a weapon.

Uni however can float above the ground as well as use her arms as weapons. She attacks with shards and lasers coming from the light reflecting on her swords. And the horn on her forehead can increase their size to work as a lance. When she takes off her eyebound, the first glance at her eyes can paralize someone.


  • 1+2/Crystal Rain: Crystals are raining from above, which can also impale Uni or Uniqua, making them weaker. A weak attack for a wide range.
  • 1/Poison: Uniqua infects Kirby with a bite. Only works on normal NPCs, since Kirby can't age for some reason.
    • 1/Grab and sting Uniqua can make Kirby stuck on her fang. Then, she attacks with her sharp tongue.
  • 2/Sworddance Uni Attacks with her armsword while dancing and floating above the ground..

2/Lance: Increases the size of her horn on her forehead, using it as a lance and/or hammer

3/Spider Paranoia: When someone looks the first time at her eyes, chances might be the watcher can be paralized/hypnotized (reverse or not working controls).

The StarMirror: Her secret and last weapon, never used. A mirror, which shines so bright, that it can burn down everyone in Starlight, when the user whishes to. Otherwise, when you look in the mirror, you can see your own soul and your biggest desires in the mirror.

3/5 C
3/5 C
4/5 B
4/5 B
2/5 D


  • Starmirror: A gigantic mirror made out of stardust. Uni got it as a gift from Uniqua, when she was wondering why people ignored her. Uniqua wanted to lure Uni into believing it's because of her looks. Currently in shards.
  • Crystals, Pearls, Ornaments...: Hidden in Uniquas skin as an armor and as lucky charms.
  • Star: Gift from Kirby after the fight, when she realized her mistakes. This lil' star acts as her new best friend.


"I'm kinda sad about killing you, little fluff ball. You're in a perfect shape!" (at the beginning of the fight)

"Your tiny planet is gone. But don't cry, little one. A new flower will bloom." (Bad End (dying in the fight))

"I never realized...how pretty the soul can be..." (End of the fight)


  • She loves strawberrycake
  • Has still the need to stand still, when somebody makes calls like a sergant or veteran.
    • Uni Loves to wear as many accessoires as she can
    • Uniqua collects as many things as she can, as long as she doesn't have to share or resell them.
    • Both of them are probably in the same age.
    • After the fight, Uni still can go back into phase 2, but Uniqua is missing
    • Uni Has a phobia of fading away with no positive impact on the world
  • Uni gets controlled a lot by emotions
    • Before the fight, Uni is mostly sad and angry, after the fight, she has her melancholy moments sometimes.
  • Uniqua is a reference to the snake in garden Eden.
  • Uni Versus Uno is a reference to the Universe.
  • Uni's soul looks like a white diamond with black points on it.



Uni lived on a planet called "Crystal Shard". On this planet, she had a usual life. School, Work, Free time. It was pretty usual. She had some talents, but something was missing in her life: Friends. Uni had a lot of problems with social interaction, coming off as social awkward. And so, she tried playing alone, but every time she would end up sitting in her room asking herself how to get attention and friends. And then, Uniqua saw her. And brought Doom. Uniqua told Uni, that she has to look more special and beautiful, so people would look at her. She didn't want to believe it, and continued her life, but with Uniqua as her only friend. Uni became a soldier and would go to other planets, fighting against evil. This went, until after one mission, Uniqua gave Uni the Starmirror. She looked in the mirror and saw herself with others, misunderstanding it as how she would get friends, when she was more beautiful. And so, Uniqua made Uni go to other worlds. When she would be ignored, she would capture some of the creatures of this world. and when Uniqua gave the ok, Uni would destroy the world with the mirror.

Kirby and the Beauty of Space


When Kirby woke up from a nap, he realized how many shards of a mirror were raining down on his planet. And so, he decided to look in King Dedede's castle, if he was the reason for trouble again. It turned out, that he and Meta Knight and many others were captured by Uni and Uniqua, but Meta Knight could destroy their mirror. And so, Kirby goes again on an adventure to collect the shards and then defeating the evil ones. After his adventure, defeating some other bosses who could escape death due to their looks, Kirby fought against Uni and Uniqua. In the bad end, Uni and Uniqua are destroying the whole planet with all of its people. In the canon, good end, Uni turns from her third phase into a anthro-like, little creature. She thanks Kirby for waking her up from her view of point, and when Uniqua wants to interfere, Kirby kicks her back to space. Then, when he looks into the mirror, he sees himself with his friends and food. When Uni wanted to leave, feeling guilty, Kirby stopped her and dragging her to his friends, which understanded her probles. And so, they're living peacefully to this very day.

Table of Contents





A crystal snake from Uni's homeplanet. Manipulates Uni into believing beauty and uglyness turns people into friends and enemies. And so, she wants to help people by destroying old planets, which she thinks results in new, more beautiful planets.


A little starlike creature, which takes care of Uni after the fight. Sa is, different than Uniqua, very selfless and tries to help Uni with her social problems, being a crazy, but friendly momfriend.

Owner: ChocoChan | Designer: ChocoChan | Value: forever homed | Code Credit