


5 years, 3 months ago



"Is Water wet?"

  • Name ||Lionshine
  • Prefix || Themed names
  • Suffix ||For is very happy-go-lucky personality
  • Age || 12 moons
  • Gender ||Male
  • Sex ||Male
  • Pronouns ||He/Him
  • Sexuality ||Homosexual
  • Romanticism ||Homoromantic
  • Clan ||Leafclan
  • Rank ||Warrior
  • Clan Loyalty ||70%
  • Belief in StarClan ||100%
  • Theme || SONG
  • Theme || SONG
  • Theme || SONG
  • Last Updated || 6/30/19

[ Friendly | DESCRIPTION]

Lionshine is a very friendly cat and will chat with others about their day, he doesn't mind listening to others when they need to talk or vent something, he also does not notice when a cat does not want to talk to him. He doesn't hold grudges and forgives pretty easy.

Lionshine is brave, he would stand in the face of danger for his litter mates and his clan as it feeds and protects him and his brothers and sister. Lionpaw also doesn't mind being the first cat to try a new thing and will do willingly.

[ Hardworking| DESCRIPTION]

Lionshine tends to get things wrong, a lot of times, but it doesn't take a toll on him, he will do something over and over again until he learns it and is able to do it right, such as a battle move or how to hunt a mouse vs a bird. He won't give up and works hard until he is able to.

[ Curious | DESCRIPTION]

Lionshine is curious about the things he doesn't understand and likes to ask questions to his littermates and when they don't have the answer he moves on to his mentor and other warriors in camp. He likes to ask questions and learn new things.

Lionpaw likes to chat with his clanmates, or anyone in that matter. He likes to socialize and say at least hello to his clanmates before he leaves camp for the day. Lionpaw loves to talk, but at the same time he also like to be on the other side and listen about whatever they are talking about.


Lionshine is a pretty calm cat unlike his sister Serval(suffix). Lionshine wouldn't speak out of turn and is pretty casual about most things that happen to him. 


Lionshine isn't the sharpest tool in the shed, he doesn't catch onto to things as easily as other apprentices and had trouble keeping up as an apprentice, but this didn't  stop Lionshine! He will say an wrong answer proudly and learn from his mistakes. 

[ oblivious| DESCRIPTION]
Lionpaw is far from an observant tom, he does not notice things that most cats would. Like he believes that Bloomclan is the best clan and doing the best while they are at war with Rush and Smoke and hiding with Dusk


Lionpaw has two left feet and his long fluffy fur gets in the way a lot and trips over his own long tail. 



  • Height || HEIGHT
  • Build || BUILD
  • Eyes || Green
  • Skin tone || Peachish grey
  • Pelt Colour || Orange
  • Marking Colours || Dark Orange
  • Fur Length || Long
  • Fur Thickness || THICC
  • Demeanor || Happy, enjoys living life


⇀ Important RP'd Moments

  • --
  • --
  • --

⇀ Kithood

As a Kit Lionkit was born to Shadetalon and Sandystep with three other siblings. Two sisters and a brother, Servalkit, Pantherkit and Tigerkit. Lionkit's favorate past time was nap time as a kit he enjoyed Servalkit's energy, but he had loved to just curl up with his siblings and purr himself to sleep. Lionkit had gotten close to his parents and siblings as they had spent all their time together in the nursery, Lionkit didn't mind being the mouse since he liked to be chased around by his siblings trying to catch him, everything seemed amazing to Lionkit and the small kit didn't want anything to change to their family.

Of course if you wish for something out loud then it never comes true. Two moons before Lionkit was about to become an apprentice with his three other siblings, the kindred had attacked Bloomclan. They were clanmates, and Lionkit couldn't understand why they would leave and attack the place they grew up and were raised in.

Lionkit then saw a moment he could never forget. He saw his parent's last breaths fighting for their clan trying to save him and his siblings. The small kit wasn't truly old enough to understand why anything was going on, why everyone was fighting and why his parent's blood was spilled and now they were laying dead at his paws. His siblings had different stages of greif, such as Tigerkit started to play with the warriors, and Servalkit had started to distrust the clan itself. While Lionkit had suffered in silence as no warrior would answer his questions they would just look down at him with pity and walk away telling the tom he would learn about it when he was older.

Lionkit ended up stopping asking about his parents altogether focusing on becoming a warrior and to keep his siblings happy, even if they didn't really understand what they were saying he would listen to them anyway and support them no matter what.

Right before the four siblings apprentice ceremony his sister, Servalkit had come out to them as being a tom and Lionkit supported his brother, it didn't matter to him as long as his siblings were happy he would support them. 

⇀ Apprenticeship

Lionpaw received Sorrelstripe as a mentor while he was in bloomclan, and living in Duskclan's camp. Lionpaw tried his best for his strict mentor and a lot of times ended up spending time in the elders nest picking out fleas with mouse bile, Lionpaw didn't mind it too much as he was helping out his mentor! Even if it was suppose to be a punishment. During his time in Duskclan's cat he meet two cats who were about the same age as him. A very shy brown tabby named Oakpaw, who was the son of Acornstar, and a cream tabby tom who was paralyzed named Sparrowkit. Lionpaw being his ever so friendly self made a friend with Oakpaw, scaring the poor apprentice half to death with his friendly nature. While with Sparrowkit, it was another story the kit who was refused to become an apprentice due to his disability, Lionpaw tried to give the tom company and have happy chats with Sparrowkit, but the cream tabby shot him down, deicing to wallowing in his own misery and not accept Lionpaw as a friend. Lionpaw still tried his best to befriend this angry tom, but he failed and he couldn't understand why. Lionpaw didn't go to the gathering where Smokeclan and Rushclan raged war on Bloomclan and Duskclan blaming them for the burning of Rushclan's camp, but he sure watched as Duskclan and Bloomclan had panicked during those moons, sticking close to his family during this time, in fear that one of them would leave them just like their parents. 

After the war between Bloomclan and Duskclan, all four clans agreed apon a truce to join in battle to take down the kindred. Lionpaw was barely allowed to join the battle as he had just turned nine moons. Lionpaw didn't really get to fight much in the battle other then a few apprentices from the kindred, since some of the warriors in the kindred were decent and would not fight an apprentice. Once the battle was over and the kindred was defeated. A cat named Pipjaw took the stand saying they were never going to follow Acornstar's rule, Servalpaw agreed with the tom joining his side, due to Lionpaw not being able to leave his family's side he joined Pipjaw's side leaving with a group of cats to form a clan called Leafclan.  Lionpaw needed a new mentor as Sorrelstripe stayed in Bloomclan, the new warrior who was assigned to be his mentor was a larger grey tom called Sageskull. Lionpaw didn't really need too much training as the apprentice was almost warrior aged at this point. 

⇀ Warriorhood

Lionpaw gained the warrior name of Lionshine 

Mate Preferances

Orientation || Heterosexual : Hetero-romantic Preferences ||
Turn Ons :

  1. TRAIT
  2. TRAIT
  3. TRAIT
Turn Offs :
  1. TRAIT
  2. TRAIT
  3. TRAIT

Current / Former Attractions ||
💙 Crush | 💜 Deep Crush | ❤️️ Love | 💞 Deep Love | 💔 No longer Attracted

no : Warrior : eeeeee
Opinions : Cat :
Opinions :Cat : Rank : Bullets
Opinions : Cat :
Opinions :
Family / Training

  • Sandystep
  • Shadtalon
  • Pantherstrike
  • Tiger(Suffix)
  • Serval(Suffix)
  • Mother
  • Father
  • Sister
  • Brother
  • Brother
  • Warrior
  • Warrior
  • Warrior
  • Warrior
  • Warrior
  • Bloomclan
  • Bloomclan
  • Leafclan
  • Leafclan
  • Leafclan
  • Dead
  • Dead
  • Alive
  • Alive
  • Alive

  • Sorrelstripe
  • Sageskull

  • --
  • Mentor
  • Mentor

  • Apprentice
  • Warrior
  • Warrior

  • Apprentice
  • Bloomclan
  • Leafclan

  • Apprentice
  • Alive
  • Alive

  • Apprentice


Name: Relationship

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros. Curabitur et lacinia tellus, sed feugiat ipsum. Suspendisse quam nisi, aliquam sit amet mauris vitae, pellentesque varius massa.

Name: Relationship

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros. Curabitur et lacinia tellus, sed feugiat ipsum. Suspendisse quam nisi, aliquam sit amet mauris vitae, pellentesque varius massa.

Name: Relationship

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros. Curabitur et lacinia tellus, sed feugiat ipsum. Suspendisse quam nisi, aliquam sit amet mauris vitae, pellentesque varius massa.

Name: Relationship

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros. Curabitur et lacinia tellus, sed feugiat ipsum. Suspendisse quam nisi, aliquam sit amet mauris vitae, pellentesque varius massa.

Name: Relationship

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros. Curabitur et lacinia tellus, sed feugiat ipsum. Suspendisse quam nisi, aliquam sit amet mauris vitae, pellentesque varius massa.

Name: Relationship

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros. Curabitur et lacinia tellus, sed feugiat ipsum. Suspendisse quam nisi, aliquam sit amet mauris vitae, pellentesque varius massa.

  • To become a warrior ()
  • To become a mentor
  • For his family to be happy
  • GOAL
  • GOAL
  • One of his siblings dying
  • The kindred to come back
  • FEAR
  • FEAR
  • FEAR
  • Favorite season is Green-leaf
  • Fun fact
  • fun fact
  • fun fact
  • fun fact

profile html by Hukiolukio