


5 years, 2 months ago



Name Balthazar
Age around 850 years
Build Lean // 1,78 m
Species ???
Gender Male
OrIent. Homosexual/Demiromantic
Pronouns He/Him
Occupation Adventurer (retired)
relationship status Single
Worth ???
Design Notes

  • His eyes are almost always closed
  • On his right eye, he‘s as good as blind
  • His eyes shine in a bright green, but it‘s duller on his right one
  • His hair has started to turn grey years ago, it‘s almost growing white now
  • He always makes sure to wear a kind smile

Balthazar is a kind and caring man, but he has a mischievous and sometimes cunning side to him. He loves telling stories of his earlier adventures and to be honest, he is still very much up to any adventures that come his way. He also often gets asked for advice by younger adventurers and loves to share his experiences.
But he also has come to love drinking tea and sitting in the sun, activities fiiting for his age.
He has lost his first great love years ago, but has come to terms with it and even if he still holds him dear he is more than ready to move on - he‘d love some company!
In the early morning hours and at night he sometimes has melancholic phases until the sun is up. 


  • His body is riddled with scars from his adventures, his biggest injury being his almost blinded right eye 
  • His hair hasn‘t been cut in decades and he doesn‘t plan to do so until he dies
  • He can see in the dark even with just one working eye
  • He suffers from backpain, especially after flying for longer times 
  • He keeps his eyes closed so he won‘t seem as intimidating 
  • Fully stretched his wings measure about 6 meters from tip to tip

When he was young, he followed his dreams and decided to be an adventurer. He would go where he felt like, search for treasures, look at mythical beasts or really whatever sounded interesting. The one problem was called humans. Whenever he accidentally got to close, they tried to shoot him down with arrows or later even with guns. Especially his first encounter went very badly: That was when he lost almost all his sight on his right eye and got many of his scars. He was trying to get someplace without so many humans after some time and crossed the ocean to a very big continent. The native people there weren‘t as bad, or at least he had no problems as long as he stayed out of sight. One time, he was surprised by a really bad storm and crashed into some trees. When he woke up, he was in great pain as his wing was broken and tangled in branches. He couldn‘t move without passing out from the pain and without moving he was stuck hanging in the trees. Balthazar was sure he would die now, even more when he heard movement and saw a human coming closer. Closing his eyes in defeat, he hoped it at least would be a painless dead...when he felt a hand on his arm and a gentle voice talking. Looking up, he saw the human smiling and even without understanding the language he realized that he would‘t hurt him. Or at least he tried not to, untangling Balthazar‘s broken wing caused him to lose consciousness again. He woke up days later, in a tent made of animal‘s skin and with the human caring for him. It didn‘t hurt so much anymore and the native people were all very nice to him. Maybe they also thought he was some kind of god, but Balthazar was happy. After weeks of getting better he even learned the language and could now talk to them, always putting back that he should continue his adventure. He even fell in love with the human who had found him and he was so sure that he couldn‘t be happier...but then, the humans from where he was at first followed over the ocean in search of more land to possess. Balthazar tried, really tried to talk his lover into going far away, someplace the bad humans would‘t reach, but he wanted to stay with his people. And Balthazar could only carry one person, and for all to run away it would take too much time...they could only await their doom. The human also din‘t want Balthazar to die and so he put a small child in his arms with the intruders approaching. And poor Balthazar, not wanting to be the cause of the childs death, had to say farewell to his lover. He brought the child far away to another native tribe. But he couldn‘t bear to stay there, for the child was his lovers younger sibling and looked exactly like him. Heartbroken he wandered around for some years and continued his adventures. And slowly he got over the worst of it and began to feel joy again. He still keeps the memories of his first love deep in his heart, but living in sadness and regret wasn‘t something he would have wished for. So he‘s ready for new adventures now, maybe even a new love! 

If it weren‘t for that stupid backpain now...who said he could get old!?


  • Telling stories
  • Drinking tea
  • Sitting in the sun
  • Adventures
  • Playing tricks

  • The problems that come with age - especially his backpain!
  • Being alone for long times
  • Being seen as an old man 
  • Being underestimated
  • Seeing people being afraid from him

Name | Relationship

Maybe don't write a book here. You can but it might look a lil funky. Quisque quis sagittis dui. Sed sed pellentesque ex. Aliquam quis metus ac ligula gravida mattis ultricies non dolor. Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Name | Relationship

Maybe don't write a book here. You can but it might look a lil funky. Quisque quis sagittis dui. Sed sed pellentesque ex. Aliquam quis metus ac ligula gravida mattis ultricies non dolor. Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Name | Relationship

Maybe don't write a book here. You can but it might look a lil funky. Quisque quis sagittis dui. Sed sed pellentesque ex. Aliquam quis metus ac ligula gravida mattis ultricies non dolor. Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.