


5 years, 1 month ago


Full Name: Lara Santos

Alias(es): Lady Luck

Age/Birthday: 22

Zodiac: Sun Scorpio // Moon Libra // Capricorn Rising // Fire Ox


Species: superhuman

Race/Ethnicity: European/Indigenous American ; Mixed Brazilian


Height: 5'5

Skin color: light tan

Hair color:  green ombre

Eye color: green

Body Mods: 

Gender: cis woman

Pronouns: she/her

Orientation: bisexual

Relationship Status: single

Partner(s): xx

Location/Residence: She and Snipes generally moved from safehouse to safehouse with the Organization. in t3, they likely stay at General's Rebellion's HQ

Family: Marcia Santos (mother, deceased), Luca Santos (younger brother, status unknown, presumed deceased)

Occupation: assassin / mercenary


Abilities/Talents: xx

Languages: English (several dialects), Spanish (several dialects), Portuguese (Brazilian), Chinese (several dialects), 

Powers:  Luck/probability manipulation. lara is nearly always surrounded by a field of very slight probability manipulation so that things fall in her favor, she also has the ability to manipulate and project fields of probability manipulation either positively or negatively (good luck/bad luck), which can be used to affect herself or others. 

> she IS That Bitch
> More often than not Lara is just kind of... mean. She's good at picking on people in ways that make them squirm away from her or get distracted. Being trained in espionage, she's a master manipulator, and those little moments of distraction feed into her power when the opponent is also faced with a barrage of bad luck. That being said, she can sometimes have a hard time turning her bitterness off, as it makes a good wall from people who might want to get to know her. Even with people she knows, she has a habit of going a bit too far in teasing. She doesn't mean to, its a force of habit mostly. Over time, or with the right people, she may learn to soften up.

+ Flashy clothes



> Lara grew up in a small town in Brazil with a single mother and a younger brother who she would sometimes look after. Unfortunately the town was dangerously close to one of the experimental facilities that belonged to the South American branch of the Organization.

Spotify Character Playlist

Snipes & Lara Joint Spotify Playlist