


5 years, 28 days ago


Cleopatra is a stuck up brat she always makes sure she gets what she wants and anything less than perfect won’t do. She believes that she is far better than anyone else and despises being around anyone below her standards but she she is put in such positions they will respect her no matter what it takes. She, more often than not refers to her owner Caroline as her minion, but deep down she maybe has some form of affection for her. Around her “friends” and at home she carries herself in a very laid back manner but still highly demanding, but anywhere else she remains prissy royalty. She is very loud and constantly meowing about one thing or another, or just for the fun of it. Others often assume that her brattyness is a guise and that she could be sweet, scared or shy underneath but how she appears is her actually personality, she just is a  stuffy brat. No matter how regal she may be she is still a cat at heart and when something twitches she sometimes can’t help herself and laser pointers always get her, this always embarrases her and she tries to stop immediently. So sadly she never just takes time to have fun and relax, so maybe her life isn’t so perfect after all.