


5 years, 1 month ago



Name Neith
Age Around 3000 years
Build Slender // 33 cm
Species Gemdoll (Species by Withy)
Gender Male
Orient. Demi-/Homosexual
Pronouns He/Him
Occupation Master Tailor
relationship status Taken
Worth ???
Design Notes

  • His hair is very crudely cut, looks more like someone (Neith) chopped it of without caring about how it looks
  • The ends of his hair are white, time seems to have bleached the original dark green color
  • He is a doll made completely out of fabric except for his arms (these are out of porcelain and glass)
  • His wings and the sharktail are optional, he can make them appear at will (mostly goes without)
  • He doesn't really smile, he mostly wears pokerface or looks grumpy / bored
  • The gem on his chest and the rings out of mist are important traits of the species!

At first glance, Neith seems cold and uncaring - and he really just doesn‘t care. He simply doesn‘t understand how socializing would benefit him, though he can be a bit less cold when facing clients. There is no actual malice inside him even if he could seem evil or maybe even a bit mad, looking at some of the deeds he did earlier in his live and how he‘s living isolated in the woods.
He doesn‘t talk much, on occasion even ignoring others if he isn‘t interested in what they are saying. The only thing that surely brings him into an conversation is talking about things related to his work.
The one ‚person‘ he is actually fond of is his little sparrow, even if he mostly seems annoyed at the loud ball of fluffy feathers. The little bird actually makes him easier to approach, especially since he is much more talkactive than his master and has taken it upon himself to make his master a bit friendlier. 


  • He is a master with needle, thread and scissors and his work is most important to him
  • His ‚home‘ is his atelier where he works day in day out, rarely stopping to get rest
  • His atelier is very secluded, not many know where to find it in the deep forest where it's located
  • Sleeping and eating are a waste of time for Neith, he doesn’t even own a bed but instead sleeps on a hard wooden bench if he has to
  • Neith‘s emotions range from not interested to slightly annoyed (or really annoyed at his little sparrow)
  • When not working he travels around selling his work - and looking for more work
  • Bonds with other dolls are not something he seeks, he has yet to understand the sense behind having friends
  • His companion is the only one he is actually fond and he got used to having him around 
  • Sometimes he suffers from severe headaches, enough to make him collapse, which seem to be linked to his memory gap

When he was 'born', he was brought to a simple family, but they soon realized that something about him was weird. He wasn't interested in being with others, talking or even playing, despite only being born. The one thing that fascinated him as soon as he had seen it was needles, fabric and scissors - he got so obsessed about it that it soon got scary. He never left the house, very rarely talked...and one day he just packed his things and left without a word. The dolls who had taken him in were relieved to have him go.

 At first he couldn’t do what he wanted at all. It just didn't work out like he wanted his work to look like, he simply lacked the necessary skills and his talent for tailoring was mediocre at best. And so he travelled the lands in search of people that could teach him. He was an eager pupil, absorbing everything his masters taught him and practicing with so much enthusiasm that he managed it to excel ever single one of his teachers at some point - sometimes it took him years to get it right, but he never stopped working hard. But even that was not enough for him after he seemed to reach a wall he couldn‘t overcome. He wanted to be better. Much, much better. And the more than just slightly crazy thought came to him, what if using another dolls fabric would make his work better? He tried to use his own fabric, and that is how he came to the many patches and stitches he has now. It was still not enough. 

Even today there are still rumors of a doll that made clothing out of other dolls, dolls that disappeared over night and where never seen again. Parts being found, but never a complete body. 

Luckily for the rest of Docordis he overcame that phase after roughly a decade, dived even deeper in the art of sewing and after several hundred years he came to a point where he was called good. Some even said better than good. He got so much work, he was 'happy', content with himself. He worked for several masters, but never more than a few decades. Most got annoyed of his cold and quiet personality after less. Especially since he always had his own head and sometimes didn‘t follow whatever his masters told him to do. 

Another hundreds of years later, he felt that he longed to do more of the stuff he wanted to make. And so he wandered again, until he found a secluded house in a deep forest that he made into his atelier. He still takes commissions, of course. He makes enough money to be called rich, even if he doesn't show that of to anyone...he probably doesn't even realize that he has much more pearls than ordinary dolls. But he also needs them for buying the best materials for his extravagant clothings. At that point it was really hard to get into contact with him, as he kept his atelier a secret and was only rarely in towns, sometimes he even completely vanished for years.

But then, something happened. Neith’s memories of that day are still blurred and he really can't say who or what attacked him...the only clear memory he still has is opening his eyes, trying to sit up...and realizing that his arms were gone. Ripped out at his shoulders. And then, everything went black as his gem splittered into countless pieces. Losing his arms would be his greatest nightmare, enough to make him almost lose his mind. He can't remember the following events very well, but someone found him and gave him his current arms - beautiful porcelain and glass. He also underwent some other experiments, that gave him the ability to let his wings appear at will and to grow a shark-tail when getting in contact with water. Also, his teeth were suddenly sharp...but his memory only got clear again when he was walking back to his atelier and a small bird appeared before him...or was he with him from before? This bird, a little sparrow, was his companion ever since, making his life livelier and louder...that little thing was talking more than enough for both of them!
But even if he was very annoyed at this little feathery fellow he actually grew quite fond of him (he would never say so, of course).



  • Working
  • His ‚new‘ arms and hands
  • The quietness of his atelier
  • Learning new techniques related to tailoring
  • His small and feathery companion

  • Having to take breaks
  • Sleeping
  • Being disrupted
  • Others touching his work without permission 
  • Others ‚invading‘ his workspace
  • Headaches

Finley | Companion

The small and fluffy ball of feathers that is usually never far from Neith. He is bonded to him and they can exchange thoughts even if far away from each other and he is capable of speech. Also very loud at times, loves annoying Neith and trying to get him to make friends. Also takes care of him a lot.

Name | Relationship

Maybe don't write a book here. You can but it might look a lil funky. Quisque quis sagittis dui. Sed sed pellentesque ex. Aliquam quis metus ac ligula gravida mattis ultricies non dolor. Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Name | Relationship

Maybe don't write a book here. You can but it might look a lil funky. Quisque quis sagittis dui. Sed sed pellentesque ex. Aliquam quis metus ac ligula gravida mattis ultricies non dolor. Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.