
5 years, 2 months ago



Niveus is the Deity of Foresight, Prophecy, Time, Leadership, and Predictions.

  • Name Niveus
  • Nickname Niv
  • Age Unknown
  • Gender Omnigender
  • Pronouns Any
  • Sexuality Pansexual
  • Species Diety
  • Domain Foresight, Prophecy, Time, Leadership, & Predictions
  • Residence Khalid
  • Religion Khalia
  • Alignment True Neutral
  • Positive Traits Calm, Soothing, Wise
  • Negative Traits Stubborn, His Way is Right Way, One Chance
  • Outlook Niveus has a positive outlook on life and believes in keeping to herself.
  • Belief Niveus believes that deities should leave humanity alone and simply watch over them without interference.
  • Strengths Niveus is a strong leader that does not buckle under pressure. They are also extremely intellgient and wise and has a calm and soothing aura to them.
  • Weaknesses Niveus is stubborn and its way is the right way. It has a one chance, you're out mentality to other's ideas.
"May no Deity ever have a champion or personal relationship with humanity again. That is my decree."

Niveus is a wise and intelligent deity with good leadership skills that is slightly tinted by xir stubborn nature and xir way is the right way attitude. Xe does not buckle under pressue and is extremely calm. Xe has a soothing aura to them that helps calm those around xem. Xe is a deity that believes in leaving humanity alone, but xe does allow deities to vist Earth to watch and grant boons. This is more to appease many deities since they are so used to being able to do that. Xe does want to contain all deities to their realm of Khalid eventually, but many were angered just by xer decree to get rid of champions.

  • Optimist
  • Rude
  • Peaceful
  • Playful
  • Creative
  • Lethargic
  • Follower
  • Brave
  • Insecure
  • Intelligent
  • Wise
  • Forgetful
  • Impulsive
  • Neat
  • Curious
  • Clumsy
  • Patient
  • Liar


  • Peace
  • Fancy Clocks
  • Writing
  • Poetry
  • Önskar
  • Orchestras


  • Chaos
  • Hyperfocusing
  • Disrespect
  • Being Called Out
  • Mimikk
  • Failure


  • Collecting Fancy Clocks
  • Listening to Orchestras
  • Planning
  • Watching Humanity
  • Being Worshipped
  • Cleaning


  • Creating Prophecies
  • Manipulating Time
  • Seeing the Future
  • Leadership
  • Giving Accurate Predictions
  • Soothing Aura
  • Scale Color Dark Purple
  • Eye Color Pale Yellow
  • Horn Color Pale Yellow
  • Height 10'
  • Clothing Style Nothing usually, sometimes fancy silks and cloths
  • Skinny Large
  • Curvy Flat
  • Frail Muscular
  • Groomed Messy

Niveus's main form is in the shape of a dark purple dragon that mostly lacks facial features. They just have two pale yellow, glowing eyes that appear to be carved out of their head. They can open their mouth which makes a gooey split in their face and reveals black teeth. They have a lighter purple underbelly which has chevrons in their neck and side. The stripes are in the front of their of their legs as well and the back of their legs are the same shade of purple as their underbelly. Their feet are an even lighter purple with the same shade being on two stripes on their tail. Purple runes run down the side of their neck, body. and tail splitting up a black line running down the same areas. The same black also shadows their head. Their talons are black, and their horns are pale yellow. Their wings are the same shade of purple with lighter purple markings and purple runes. There is pale yellow smoke coming out of their entire body in different places. There is also a black hole from their chest with white runes coming out. They have white rings coming around their face and neck with a pale yellow ring around their body.

Design Notes

  • He has two rows of teeth.
  • Her eyes never blink ever.
  • Xir mouth is in a permanent smile when it is open.
  • Its left horn is broken with smoke pouring out and black liquid dripping down.
  • Around portions of the white rings are bits of the cyrillic alphabet.
Click for Reference


During the Creation, the time period in which the Khalid was created, Niveus was created alongside it. Niveus was not alone in this as he was created with anther deity named Önskar. As Niveus and Önskar got to know each other, more of the universe came in exsitance and more deities came with including Mimikk. Niveus was extremely welcoming and open to ideas with this time period as the first truly thinking creation was born thanks to Mimikk. He was interested in everything as he watched all the deities worked and as humanity also came to be.

His curiosity and lack of control freak nature slipped as he saw the chaos that was being caused. He saw the beasts' and humanity's quarrels This was when he became truly a controlling person. He created prophecy after prophecy trying to make things right. He began rejecting others ideas. He well and truly snapped as the Ancient Beast Wars began and Krig was born.

Niveus was extremely controlling of the Wars despite it not being truly his domain due to Krig's birth. Niveus tried to make Krig accept him and take them under his wing. Krig was too distracted and too young to understand. They were too obsessed with their champion. He had to take her out of the picture for Krig completely and used Sjuk to do so. Little did he know Krig's true anger of this and the power they held. His magic was touched and the prophecy he made tainted by anger.

Present Day

Niveus's prophecy came to be, and originally, he was proud of his chosen one. His fear that Krig's rage tained it lessened until... until... she lost it.


Name: Önskar

Time known each other: Unknown

Niveus and Önskar were the first two deities, so they naturally grew towards each other first as close friends then as lovers.


Name: Krig

Time known each other: Unknown

She has grown so strong. Too strong. Her magic touched his. Niveus fears her to an extent, but he had to do it.


Name: Mimikk

Time known each other: Unknown

Niveus and Mimikk never have gotten along. Mimikk was also too blinded to see the bigger picture which frusterated Niveus.