


5 years, 1 month ago


Üna Lara

Pronounciation Oo-nuh
Age Appears 24
Build Thicque
Species La Cuca (Bogeyman)
Gender Female
Orient. Pansexual
Pronouns She/Her
Occupation Vlogger
Height 5'4" (162.6cm)
Status Single
Creator Muoy
Worth $10

Nightmare Form

  • Her true form. Not as cute, way more scary.

Shadow Walk

  • She can quite literally blend into any shadow and travel through them.

She is one to take things day-by-day, never setting a pre-planned future for herself but simply enjoying life as it comes. For this, Üna can be what most call a "colorful personality". She is social butterfly with no means of boundaries or hesitation. When she wants something, she gets it on her terms which often times ends up being a matter of minutes. This holds true to anything from emotional to materialistic want.


  • She does crave the occasional human baby.

Üna's parents were practically polar opposites. That fact helped them raise a child with the best of both worlds, so to say.

Growing up, she faced many challenges, her most dominant being the fight between herself and her natural urge to eat human children. With her father being a scholar in London, their family developed there, so living amongst so many humans proved difficult for her, though it wasn't anything time couldn't and didn't cure. She grew to become completely assimilated into the average human lifestyle, attending school for some time and eventually leading off to find a job as a waitress, which eventually led to her career as a food vlogger.

By the time her parents years on this plane came to an end, the young Cuca found herself seeking a new purpose. She felt lost and alone, but find out about Eden through a social media post featuring some bomb ass tacos. Being the foody she is, she didn't hesitate to pull up the address of the food establishment it came from and made for it to try the so-called legenedary Mexican cuisine. It wasn't just the food, but the atmosphere of the city as well that got her to stay. It seemed like the place she belonged.


  • Fashion
  • Trying new foods
  • Fluffy things

  • Prisses
  • Malicious people
  • Runny make-up

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