


5 years, 28 days ago


Shady kid.....what is he up to?

He swears the belts have a functional purpose, but won't tell anyone what it is. 

came to the city seeking a new beginning & ended up working for the thieves guild because he's so small and fast.


 Actually a Fae disguised as a human, a rare child of the normally fruitless union between seelie and unseelie courts. As a child of both courts he has the ability to draw power from both the sun and moon, as well as control both pure and mischievous magics without repercussion. He always felt a little out of place in either court, as many of the Fae aren't sure how to treat him. He eventually grew tired of constantly feeling like an outsider, & ran away to live as a human, pinning his wings to his back with belts to keep them from fluttering with his emotions and giving him away. His ears are rounded by magic, but he cannot hide his eyes and their their deep, undeniably inhuman sparkle. Both courts have sent seekers to find him, but this far none have successfully brought him home. he chose the city for it's density of population and lack of flora and fauna, no fae in their right mind would think to seek one of their own in a place that reeks so strongly of humanity.

Fae children are already extremely rare, and children of the unlikely Seelie/Unseelie unions even more so. Peroux was the outcome of a midsummer tryst.

Very short for a human, but tall for a Fae. His wings are transparent with a purplish hue that has grown a tad faded from lack of direct sunlight/moonlight. Has a thin, almost feminine build that is the norm among males of his kind.

Nightshade, his patron flower, often grows in places where he lingers.