Aneris Malbecco (The Fae)



5 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info

True Name

Betrayal's Stone Heart











Noble House



Priestess of Balor



Terrible, horrifying, and beautiful, Aneris manifests a lot of the traditional gorgon traits associated with Medusa - snake hair, fangs, slitted eyes, scaled skin. However, where she differs is in form and color. Her body is shaped like a naga's, with a long snake tail that weaves around her in a protective coil. The snakes in her hair resemble yellow, orange, and red African bush vipers. The scales along her body and tail are also bright and colorful like this.

Despite the fact that it is her human form that received the mutilating scar along her face and torso, Fatebinding has caused Aneris's fae form to inherit this as well. Curved around her right, dead eye, down her face to her mouth, down her neck, around the curve of her breast, down her stomach, and stopping where the inner thigh would be on a human, it instead ends in a nasty-looking puncture scar on the under-side of her tail.

Most of this is never seen. Aneris wears red and gold clothing with Balor's eye prominently focused on it, which has a built in hood and veil. The only visible parts of her when she is donned this way is the tip of her tail, the tips of her fingers, and her eyes.

Monsterous Form

When both her shroud and her Fae form are shed, Aneris reveals the monster of her own Avarice that lives beneath the surface. A giant snake that is between twenty and thirty feet long, when coiled and rearing, she stands around twelve feet tall. Primarily bush-viper in appearance with a flaring cobra hood, she retains none of her humanity here with the sheen of new scales beneath shed skin. The only remaining piece of her human form while in this one is the scar. Like in her Fae form, it weeps down her eye - more ragged than dead now - down to the underside of her tail, but unlike in her other forms, it is less scar and more open, oozing black wound.


Falias: Eris was born in Falias to an affair her married father had with her mother. Her mother abandoned her on the steps of Balor’s temple, where she was raised by her father and his wife.


Primate: Eris grew up as a priestess in Falias’s primary Temple of Balor, where she studied history, religion, and used her Sight to look towards the future.


Eris Malbecco was one of those fortunate but unfortunate children to be left in a basket on the steps of a temple - of Balor. Unlucky because her mother didn’t want her, lucky because her father was a templar at the temple. Born with the Sight, she easily integrated into the temple as a priestess alongside her half-sister Hypatia.

She eventually fell in love with a Briar Prince named Qeynan and secretly they swore their betrothal to each other. Hypatia, however, was also in love with the templar and both her Avarice and her Motif - a Lonely Sovereign -  would not allow her to just sit aside and enjoy her sister’s happiness. So she laid a curse upon Eris, stripping her of her beauty and her sight, and turning her into a monster. A Gorgon. However, that wasn’t enough for Hypatia, and in her rage and bitterness, she cut off Eris’s head and approached Qeynan with it, telling him of the fate of his lover as she turned him to stone.

The next morning, Eris revived from her painful death and to her shock and horror saw what her sister had done to Qeynan. Ashamed and full of guilt, she stole the statue away from the temple and fled from Falias to Murias, where she took a boat and made the dangerous trip all alone across the Endless Sea to the shores of the Dreamlands and eventually to Earth, all while hiding from the prying eyes of those who would suffer by looking upon her.

When she arrived on Earth, she avoided being nearly hit by a truck on a dark road in early spring. Unlucky to be who she was, but lucky to almost have been hit by crude but compassionate woman with a kindred spirit. Someone who’s Fate maybe she could take for her own.