Aneris Malbecco



5 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info

Known Aliases

Kaity, Viper

Fateshroud Flaw

Slippery Emotions


Gas-station clerk

Place of Birth

Boston, MA

Base of Operations

Chatham, MA

Marital Status




Torn Shroud

When Aneris's shroud tears, she maintains most of her human appearance. However, snakes weave out through her hair, curling around it and hissing dangerously. Bright warning scales flash along patches of her skin, primarily around her hair line, where jaw meets neck, and trickling down from joints like shoulders and hips.

Monsterous Form

When both her shroud and her Fae form are shed, Aneris reveals the monster of her own Avarice that lives beneath the surface. A giant snake that is between twenty and thirty feet long, when coiled and rearing, she stands around twelve feet tall. Primarily bush-viper in appearance with a flaring cobra hood, she retains none of her humanity here with the sheen of new scales beneath shed skin. The only remaining piece of her human form while in this one is the scar. Like in her Fae form, it weeps down her eye - more ragged than dead now - down to the underside of her tail, but unlike in her other forms, it is less scar and more open, oozing black wound.

References Folder: View on Google Drive


A gorgon crossing a road, a drunk woman in a truck. Honestly, Fate could have made things worse than Fatebinding the two. When Bryce saw the figure dash off the side of the old country road as she drove towards her new job, she was worried that she had stumbled on a runaway, or an abuse victim, or worse. She wasn’t expecting to see that. But she couldn’t keep herself from helping the creature either.

They’ve only been merged together for two weeks, but hell what a ride it’s been. The statue of Qeynan is left under a tarp in the back of Bryce’s truck, a situation she doesn’t feel wholly good about, but… one does what one must. Other than that, it’s been for the most part business as usual. Work. Smoke. Drink. Fuck that cute blonde.

Although there was that one time she got mad at a mugger and her shroud dropped off. Whoops. That was unexpected. She managed to regain enough self control to not turn the fucker to stone, and she did knock him out, so it worked out in the end? Hopefully he won’t remember.

Whatever the case, it’s definitely time for a drink (or ten).