Nicole Peerenboom



5 years, 2 months ago



Name Nicole Peerenboom (Nik, Nikkie)
Age 23
Height 4'8"
Species Black Rat
Gender Female
Orientation Pansexual
Pronouns She/Her
Occupation DeeJay]
Creator Qnerdi
Worth Not for Sale
Design Notes

  • Lots of her clothes have holes/tears in them. You might call it ratty. She'd say that sounds appropriate for a rat-
  • Phasellus sollicitudin mauris tempor
  • Nullam nec neque eget tortor hendrerit dictum a et massa
  • Pellentesque rutrum quam non ipsum egestas

Nicole is a rather laid back extrovert. She lives for excitement and is something of a social butterfly (when not completely engrossed in her work), but she's not the type to get in your face or be too loud. The loudest she gets is when she's fully immersed into the club setting and playing up her deejay persona. Outside of the club, Nicole prefers to show her enjoyment of most things through sarcasm and a blunt attitude. Nicole values honesty and straight talk more than anything, to the point she'd prefer it if someone just told her they find her work terrible rather than give out false praise. That's not to say she'll like it, but she'll at least respect it. In truth, Nicole tends to think a bit too highly of her own work. She takes an intense amount of pride in all the music she creates. For Nicole, hearing anyone say it's poorly done gives a feeling like someone kicked the back of her knees and laughed as she fell. She knows the importance of critique, but don't be surprised if her mood turns sour while you're giving it. Nicole is also rather impulsive, preferring to improvise than thoroughly plan things out. From hanging out with friends to her own creative process, it's most likely any preparation is minimal at best and non-existent at worst.


  • Any german accent to her voice (slight as it is) can be blamed on Hilde.
  • Her job as a deejay isn't quite regular and her music online doesn't generate a lot of money, but Nik doesn't spend a lot on herself and her mothers still send her money occasionally to help out.
  • The alias she uses for deejaying and music creation online is Nikki Boom.
  • She creates lots of different music - from remixes to mashups to entirely original compositions. But the majority of her work is created artificially as opposed to playing instruments on her own. She doesn't actually have practice on any instrument aside from piano.

Nicole's childhood didn't have much in the way of excitement. For the small town she comes from, her very birth was excitement enough. A lesbian wedding with an artificially inseminated pregnancy soon after was unheard of, at least in their neighborhood. Astrid and Hilde faced some unfortunate judgement from more close minded neighbors, but support from loved ones and their own wills kept them going. The two women had gone through their own disappointments and hardships in their love lives and wanted to start off this relationship strong. Nicole was a blessing for the couple and they gave her all the attention they could spare.

The parents made a modest income - enough to provide for the family and earn a few luxuries, but not quite enough to lavishly spoil Nicole. For the most part, Nicole was given free reign to do as she pleased in life. Any fleeting fantasy was supported and even encouraged. When Nicole wanted to be a princess, she was referred to as "your highness." When Nicole wanted to do ballet, her mothers were the most respectful of audiences no matter how poorly she mimicked the internet videos she studied. When Nicole realized how much she adored music, her parents gave her the space and equipment she needed to create whatever her heart desired. The idea of attending college was never entertained in young Nicole's mind (much to Hilde's dismay), so high school became more of something she just had to get through than something she truly cared to excel in. What did highschool grades and SAT scores matter when the quality of her music would speak for itself?

This slack attitude caused some tension within the family. Hilde and Astrid wanted to support their daughter, but they also wanted to make sure she wasn't setting herself up for failure. This change startled Nicole, as she had become used to just getting her way and having unwavering support from the family. Arguments became common, Nicole started purposefully failing classes and shirking work out of spite, and there was a week where Nicole ran away to a friend's house. The week away did more good than expected, at least. Her friend's father, a divorced dad, was less compassionate than Hilde and Astrid had ever been. He and Nicole's friend argued often (mostly about Nicole's very presence in his house), and loudly. He had a harsher view of life and was happy to call out Nicole's and his own daughter's spoiled behavior. Nicole was smart enough to realize her life could be a lot worse off without her mothers, so she returned home with her tail between her legs and an apology on her lips.

The family started talking more, about plans and futures and what exactly Nicole wanted to do. She knew her passion and still wasn't going to give up on music. Hilde and Astrid didn't expect her to or ask. All they wanted was to know she had a plan, and wouldn't just give up on school entirely. They still encouraged keeping college in mind, and Nicole promised she would. But graduation came and went and there was still nothing she wanted more than to make music. Hilde and Astrid were willing to support her as she began taking things more seriously and created her own sort of brand online. For a few years, she just stayed at home and tried to earn money as best she could. But the life of a creative isn't quite as profitable as most would hope.

For the most part, Nicole wasn't desperate for money. Her parents made her start to pay a few bills when she could afford them but the costs were minimal compared to someone actually living on their own. Nicole could appreciate this, but she slowly started to dislike this feeling of dependency and, even worse, started growing bored. Nicole was antsy and small town living had run its course for her. Once again, her mothers worried about whether or not she was truly prepared for this. But this time the family chose to fully talk things out before Nicole took matters into her own hands. In the end, it was decided she would move to Fuchsia City - interesting enough to satisfy her desires, but close enough for her either party to visit the other when needed.


  • electronica
  • neon and grunge
  • jogging
  • vines
  • rain

  • dresses and skirts
  • pineapple on pizza
  • bright sunlight
  • caramel