


9 years, 5 months ago
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AgeElder (inmortal)
Title None
Alignment Lawful Good
Theme songUndecided

Patience is pleasant to be around, he's passionate and very helpful. He understands everyone's need for time and space. But sometimes he can come off as aloof, is often too shy. Leave things unsaid and tends to hold high expectations of everyone.  


  • Patience is mortal, but cannot die of old age.
  • Because of their healing mane, it is hard to kill him.
  • He is especially fond of children.
  • He loves honey. His nails are bright red, and it's unknown as to why.
  • He especially loves long summer days and sunrises.
  • Patience was blessed by the gods, which is how he got his powers.
  • He loves belly rubs.


Unique Tail - Patience's tail is longer than a normal lion and sports a fluffy tip with an eye-like stone in the middle. Often this stone is covered up by the fur, but when it shows it can often give others a fright because of it's shocking look.

Pollen Whiskers - The three bulbed whiskers on each side of Patience's face helps him to pollinate flowers as he goes along. They contain strong life magic, but take time to grow back.

Ram Horns - Sporting a pair of long curled ram horns, Patience is easily spotted walking about the wild because his horns make him stand out so much. Their bright color matches his whiskers because it's where he stores his life magic. They are as strong as diamonds and can only be broken by something as strong as them.


Blind Sight - Although Patience seems to always have his eyes closed, he can always see perfectly. This is because he is one with nature. Wherever there is life, Patience has sight.

Life Bringer - No matter where it is, if Patience is there life blooms. Although he loves to sit and nap in open fields, he's rarely in those types of places because he has to bring life to areas that are struggling. Before setting out on his journey he makes sure to stock up on lots of pollen to spread.

Healing Mane - A lot of the power Patience weilds is in his mane. Touching it is said to heal wounds and if Patience trusts you enough, he'll let you snuggle in it.

