



name / Milo

region/ Eclien

age / 20 in human years, 50 in Archane years

pronouns / he/him

species / Archane a species by AkumaFox on deviantart 

status / Taken


Slot rarity: common 

Eyes: common 

Ears: common 

Horns: common 

Tail: common 

Gem: rose quartz 

Flowers: cherry blossoms/Sakura flowers 

-Gem stats- Shard: 1 Shield: 3 Heal: 4 Sync: 2

Occupation: healer


height / 4'11

weight / 90 pounds

build / slim and petite

hair color / light brown

eye color / dual color, pink on top, blue on the bottom

iris color / white



Milo is as sweet as they come, he helps anyone and everyone and doesn't have a mean bone in his body, he wouldn't harm a fly. he is constantly smiling and has a soft voice that seems to calm people down pretty easily, he hold an adorable giggle and hes always laughing. his eyes shine brightest when he is with his significant other though. he followed his dream of helping people and became a healer, developing his healing powers the best he could so that he would qualify for the occupation. despite the commonality of his traits, he is still as cute as he can be with his flopped down bunny ears and fluffy tail. he has the sent of cherry blossoms which are scattered through his hair and around his tail, they go well with the rose quartz that is also scattered throughout.

Aenean sed pharetra velit. Maecenas eu nisi vulputate, fermentum velit ac, volutpat turpis. Aliquam erat volutpat. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Sed in fringilla massa. Vivamus venenatis convallis mauris, non convallis quam scelerisque eu. Praesent id mauris sapien. Ut placerat varius ex at bibendum.

Donec id scelerisque magna. Praesent ultricies nisi nisl, a congue justo elementum et. Quisque sit amet aliquam tellus. In ut accumsan erat. Nunc pellentesque fringilla diam mollis accumsan. Curabitur vitae nisi fermentum ipsum pretium facilisis. Morbi ex diam, condimentum sed odio eget, vulputate molestie massa. Quisque enim odio, feugiat eu elit non, scelerisque pulvinar nulla. In scelerisque massa dolor, sit amet fermentum turpis hendrerit a. Aenean tincidunt, nibh eu sodales ultrices, augue ipsum blandit urna, a maximus sapien orci eu arcu. Praesent lobortis porta feugiat. Integer non tortor hendrerit, feugiat est nec, rutrum elit. Ut varius sagittis tellus quis dictum. Vestibulum viverra, dui lobortis bibendum tincidunt, ipsum erat bibendum leo, sit amet consectetur justo est in ex. Sed luctus erat odio, non finibus dui tempus vitae. Etiam venenatis id massa eu scelerisque.


Milo is an Archane who has lived in Eclien all his life, he feels a bit lonely since it is a vacation spot and not many people stay. despite that he was able to make friends with a kind tailor named Le. when they were looking for inspiration they ended up getting seriously hurt and Milo nursed them back to health therefor they happily keep in touch and Le visits him when they can.

once when he ventured deep into a new set of woods to find herbs, he stumbled upon a gentle giant, an Elefu named Lamont. he ended up spooked and tried to run, hurting himself in the process. Lamont found him and took care of him as he slowly healed himself, despite their major differences, they quickly fell for each other. Milo was the first to confess and now they live together happily, they know they cant have children because of their difference in species but they love each other regardless and dream of a family together 



code by meatsmoothie