
  • Melanie

  • Age Young Adult - Mid Twenties
  • Gender Female - She/Her
  • Species Ninetales
  • Level 38
  • Text Color #f36f54

Considerate • Vocal • Lost • Explorer

"An explorer is brave, kind, and always willing to help. We take our jobs seriously, but the most important rule is.."


Smiles go for miles! With her roots in exploration Melanie is curious fox, wanting to learn all she can and rack up a heap of experiences. Such a life isn't without risk though, and her dreams were crushed early on by the loss of her partner and will to survive. She fell into the pits of despair, and nearly lost her life from it, but with the gift of a second chance this fox is trying to make it the most of it.

It hasn't been easy though. An accident has stripped the young girl of her vision, both literally and figuratively, and her independence as well. Feeling like more of a burden than ever its hard for her to follow her old explorer's code. But, with help from another, she's making strides in the right direction.

Color wise, Melanie is your average Ninetales. Creamy yellow fur, orange tipped tails, the works. She's a bit on the slim side, looking slender and fine in her youth. A few strands of her mane hang down as bangs, a quirk she has learned to love. She has a viridian bow earned back in her explorer days, though the decorative piece is usually worn around her eyes as a blindfold now, a change that has helped her to cope after the accident. If she is wearing it around her neck you can see her beautiful ruby gaze and now hazy pupils. Though sightless her eyes are still very expressive, and naturally tilt toward speakers when talking or listening.

Important Design Notes:

  • Red eyes with hazy, blind pupils.
  • At least two "bangs" falling from her mane.
  • Viridian bow can be around her neck or as a blindfold. Giving the bow a shiny/shimmer quality is an optional detail.
  • Small nicks in ears are completely optional.
height 3'07"

Weight 43.9 lbs

Item Viridian Bow

Ability Flash Fire

Nature Relaxed

Characteristic Highly Curious

Birthplace PMD Village

Trainer Status Wild

Orientation Heterosexual

Devotion Dialga / Rayquaza / Bird Trio

Name Origin Derived from Greek for darkness, ironic for her blindness

Inspiration PMD Team


  • Exploring / Rescuing
  • New Discoveries
  • Perfect Apples
  • Ghost Stories


  • Lazing Around
  • Bitter Food
  • Being Helpless
  • Water

Character Traits



Melanie was born a simple and normal Vulpix. Her loving family took care of her, she had many friends, and she was part of an exploration team with her best friend, Leonardo the Shinx. Living in a secluded Pokemon village the Fox Pokemon made the most of her time by adventuring. The twosome had many fun adventures, going through caverns, exploring new lands, making more friends, and looking for hidden treasures. It was an exciting life and she loved it.

As their small team gained rank and recognition they reveled in being able to do more for their fellow Pokemon. When word of dangerous Pokemon started to spread Mel was quick to join in the cause. They were told to be careful, that whatever was effecting these Pokemon was making them mindless, sick, and exceedingly violent. Mel and Leo shook it off fearlessly, they had been in tight spots before, and were sent to look into Waterfall Cavern. It was dark, and the air had a strange tension to it. The pair blindly walked until they were attacked by a horde of ravenous Shellos.


There was something wrong with these Shellos, like they had their morality stripped from them along with any conscious thought. It was the first time Mel had seen the effected Pokemon and they terrified her. The fighting was immediate, the Shellos even attacking one another in their endless rage. In the madness of trying to escape Leonardo was killed, seemingly sacrificing himself for her, while Melanie barely made it out with her life. She ran and ran, making it all the way home and under her bed before stopping. Horrible images of his death flashed in her eyes, pain rippling through her with each recall, but the Vulpix tried to be resilient. In honor of her friend she promised herself to live longer, long enough to save the world, and make the most of her life for him. Her heart lurched at the thought.

As the epidemic raged on, Melanie found that promise harder and harder to uphold. It quickly became apparent the problem was worse than they thought- it was spreading, rapidly. Even her quiet village was hit. First it was her friends, the young Pokemon exploring and not realizing the danger. It terrified the Vulpix into staying home, her broken exploration team and resolve visibly shaking. She only left when necessary, but it kept moving, making its way toward her as even her parents fell victim to the condition. As Mel fled home in a fit of panic, desperate to find help for her family, she was horrified to find her entire village was crawling with diseased Pokemon. Near everyone she knew was starting to turn, attacking one another in the streets and chasing those who fled. Even the surroundings woods were dangerous, as the glimmering eyes of unknown Pokemon stalked the shadows. Mel tried to contact the explorers hub, praying they had learned something, but her signal went unanswered.

The Vulpix ran, frightened, alone, and heartbroken. Everywhere she went this condition had spread, and sane Pokemon didn't want this outsider putting them at risk. She finally received word from the explorers hub, but she didn't recognize the answering Pokemon, and they said they were struggling to reach her location- she was on her own. Mel didn't know what to think, had the explorers abandoned her?! Utterly devastated and abandoned, Melanie gave up on her promise. It was too much, and she did not want to become of of them. She didn't want to be like that! She had failed in her promise to Leonardo, failed to help the world at all. She wasn't living, and couldn't handle what her life had become. Not wanting to continue on the Vulpix attempted to drown herself by jumping into a rapid river. However, she failed, and instead washed up on the shores of Johto, discovering that the Epidemic was truly just beginning.

- - RP - -

Lost in a strange land but finding dots of survivors in her journeys, the Vulpix managed to regain a bit of a positive attitude. This place was completely different from the home she knew, but she had a chance to help the lives here. Making her way to Olivine Melanie met a group of friendly Pokemon she came to call family, particularly bonding with the Electrike, Etincelle. They stayed in the Olivine cafe that night where, by a fit of luck, the Vulpix found a Fire Stone and evolved. It was amazing, something she never thought would happen in her old life, but the joy was short lived. It wasn't long after that that two powerful Pokemon attacked their quarters. In the midst of the chaos, an explosion sent glass flying in all directions from the shattering windows. The newly evolved Ninetales couldn't dodge the shrapnel and ended up with a menagerie of bits in her face and eyes. Blinded and in agony, she shot a Flamethrower forward, and heard the cries of friendly fire. Outmatched and desperate the survivors fled to the Battle Frontier, seeking safety behind its thick walls.

But her injury made it near impossible to tell where she was going. Having accidentally injured Etincelle she refused to leave the Electrike's side and ended up separated from the rest of the group. Taking him to what she assumed was a safe place, the Ninetales went in search of help for the wound she had caused him. It took hours of (literally) blind searching but she managed to find some Rawst berries by scent and make it back to the Electrike in one piece. The treatment helped and, as exhaustion plagued the both of them, they took their time to rest in their meager shelter. It was still dark when they awoke, but eventually they ventured out into the Battle Frontier in search of their friends.

In their absence the group had met further hardship, with more of its members being killed or lost, but also luck as the Frontier had a plethora of survivors seeking safety. In the coming days they made their way forward, claiming the Battle Castle as their base after clearing out the undead. Still, Melanie struggled, as she could no longer fight efficiently and took a nasty, life threatening beating. She was sequestered away in the Castle most the time, with a worried Etincelle was always at her side, never once blaming her for his burn or pitying her newfound blindness. Hopelessness plagued her, just as she had in her old life, and in her grief she snapped at him and drove a wedge that only widened as more hardship hit the group.

Death after death, Etincelle only seemed to want to protect her instead of support her. The large fox started to resent him, and they had a festering fight as they explored the Battle Arcade. Little did they realize how much they had come to rely on one another, as when they faced multiple, strong enemies and couldn't be together, both Pokemon struggled. With another Vulpix to guide her paws Mel fought with all her might, but her handicap was still too fresh, and she wound up with a damaged leg. The fight itself was intense, bringing the entire Battle Arcade down with both foxes still inside. Digging underground, Melanie saved their lives by the skin of her teeth, but her broken leg made for painful, agonizingly slow journey in which she blacked out.

Awakening at a familiar spring within the Battle Frontier Mel could hardly recall how they had survived the collapse. Her broken leg spoke volumes, along with the mud slathered on her pelt, but she could only wonder if her friends had made it out. She didn't have to wait long, as the others found the foxes and rejoiced, Etincelle especially so. Their fight was all but forgotten, bond restored in honest gratitude at simply being alive. They still had to deal with her broken leg, but Mel knew they would do it together. Etincelle seemed earnest in his apology and concern for her well being, and the pair made the choice to wait out in the Battle Castle together as the others went to collect food and supplies.


Melanie the Ninetales

| Kind | Curious | Humorous | Considerate | Brave | Curious | Polite | Honest | Depressed | Vocal/Outspoken | Gives it her All | Observant | Blunt | Trying her Best to Cope | Duality/Double Life | Feeling like a Burden | Guilty | Frustrated | Combative | Feeling Useless |

Melanie's faced some hardships but she swears she's still that plucky girl she's always been. Her explorer roots are always there, having her describe herself as a curious, brave, inquisitive, and heroic individual. These days though, its hard for her to talk about her past, let alone act like how she thinks she is. She broke her promise after all, and completely gave up on life, but she refuses to waste this second chance that not many get.

She still gives everything her all, trying her best to be optimistic and helpful. Her depression is savage, but the fox knows the power of staying positive and how it can spread to those around you. Even now, in the pits of despair, she tries to be outgoing by asking questions, starting a dialog, and exploring what she can. Knowledge is power, and even without sight she refuses to stop learning and growing. She can't quite feel the happiness and positivity herself, but she can see the fruits of her labor, and for now that's good enough.

Melanie doesn't like to talk about her past, or even think about it if she can help it. After everything, she is no longer the team leader she once was. The thought of responsibility is overwhelming, and she has welcomed falling into the role of a follower. But old habits die hard, and this fox isn't afraid to stand up to those she disagrees with. Whether its refusing to go along with plans, or the way they are acting or treating others, Melanie will let her displeasure be known, and make it a point to go against orders. However, she will own up to her own actions, and knows the cost of insubordination.

Recent events have worsened her depression sadly. Badly injuring someone close to her, abandoning her friends when they needed help, losing her precious sight, and not being able to contribute to her standard have all plagued the fox with intense guilt. She's moody, bitter on the inside, and incurably upset. She's bottled up these emotions for so long now they are becoming toxic, and they are slowly tainting the most important relationship she has. Though it's not her nature to be angry, it's a problematic response to her current moodiness. At some point, she's bound to breakdown, and let all these feelings out, but for now she's still keeping it inside.


I'm not blind, I just can't see

[ Blindess ] She hasn't been blind that long, and to say she's struggling to cope is an understatement. Mel is, by all means, a very independent and self reliant individual, but the accident stripped both of those things from her. She still has some vision, but its just blurred shapes and colors, and her eyes are incredibly painful from the wounds. Using her bow as a blindfold has reduced her stimuli and pain, but nothing will restore her vision. Suddenly needing others to lead her, help her, and do things for her riddles the fox with shame. She's constantly plagued by guilt, both in being a burden, needing special awareness from others, and not learning to live with it fast enough. She's trying her best to adapt and rely on her other senses, but heightened awareness doesn't happen in a day. Its frustrating, infuriating, and makes the fox an emotional mess when she's helpless from it. Slowly, oh so slowly, she's coming to terms with it, but for now its a fresh, painful reality that's hard to accept.


Earnest Etincelle

[ Bonded ] Etincelle is the first and only Pokemon that's successfully pulled her from her endless depression. Truly, he's restored her will to live, and more so her desire to live on. With him by her side she can feel happiness once again, confident that this is the right path. He made her smile on the first day, and has done so every day since. She's never felt this way for another Pokemon, both inspired and encouraged, and feels like a better Pokemon with him by her side. Of all Pokemon he's courteous to her blindness, using touch to communicate, and now its strange not to have him beside her.
Sometimes she wonders where their bond started, as he never even blamed her for the wound she inflicted upon him. Was that the moment, or was it before that? Was it after, when her tended the damage she caused? When the blues get to her Melanie can not help but wonder if their bond started on a bad foot, or if that really matters at all.


Other Notes:

  • Her TM move was a reward from one of her adventures and her parents showed her how to use it.
  • Her Viridian Bow is the PMD item and was the reward for her very first rescue.

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