


5 years, 15 days ago


Shinsen Daito
Age Various timeframes
Build Muscular
Height 6' 9" (Adult..... very tall)
Pronouns He/Him
Relationship Raiki (Husband)
Friends Raiki
Creator acember
Theme Masked||Unmasked

  • Standard ninja tools.
  • Small pouch used to carry spare kunai, smoke pellets, rope, scrolls, emergency supplies, etc.
  • Holster for holding and dispensing shuriken.
  • Sometimes uses a backpack for longer trips. Gear can vary.

Idiot. Kind but very boisterous. Determined. Kind of a show-off. Jokester. Wants to get tougher and be better. Clumsy and inept. Rule-breaker. Loyal friend. Once very lonely.


  • Shinsen is pretty bad at most forms of ninjutsu. He is clumsy and often stumbles or fails at crucial moments, but he will never give up trying to become stronger and better.
  • The one form of ninjutsu he excels at is the art of transformation. He is a master at copying appearances and even small things like individual mannerisms, making him perfect for spying and intelligence gathering. Provided he doesn't trip and fall flat on his face.
  • A few of the pangolins, Pantax in particular, are not very fond of Shinsen, but they owe Mazuro a great debt since he sacrificed his life for them, so they protect his son at all costs. Eventually they warm up to Shinsen after he proves himself to them and they begin to get along. Pantax takes the longest to warm up to him and the two tend to bicker to the point where Shinsen actively tries to avoid summoning him specifically.
  • Pantax, after eventually warming up to Shinsen, is the one to decide to entrust him with the knowledge of their dying jutsu. Allowing him to learn techniques once thought to be forgotten.
  • Will always paint his face before going out into public. Even if its just a simple pattern. He will only hang around people he knows and trusts while his face is unpainted. Probably the thing he is most timid about since he is exuberant and outgoing in all other cases.
  • Snores in his sleep.
  • Literally a bear. Starts out tiny and grows to be a huge giant of a man. Eats... all the time.
  • Should be noted, that Shinsen probably absentmindedly makes a lot of expressions when doing things. (Kind of like how artists will sometimes absentmindedly make the same expression as one they're drawing.) Thats one of his own personal tics that he developed from practicing other peoples tics.
  • Shinsen, later on, begins to wear a mask so that if his cover should ever be blown during a mission, it will be difficult for the enemy to identify him.
  • "If dad was such a great hero, then why'd he have to go and die?" (Shinsen, younger, to Pantax and Panjou.)

  • A good challenge
  • Hero Figures/Role Models
  • Perseverance.
  • Sleeping in.
  • Fruit probably, (mandarines.)
  • Junk food.
  • The color Red.
  • Hanging out in peoples personal space...
  • Long sleeves.
  • Learning new skills.
  • Laying down after a long day.
  • Mimicking other peoples mannerisms absentmindedly.
  • People watching.
  • Running around outside and getting up to no good.
  • Spicy foods. The hotter the better.
  • One-piece outfits.
  • Raiki.
  • Fat David.

  • Crying in front of people.
  • Seeing others feeling down.
  • Being scolded for mimicking when he doesn't even realize he's doing it.
  • Seeing others give up.
  • Bugs.. especially centipedes/millipedes. and wasps.
  • Going out in public without his face painted. It HAS to be painted or he will not show his face.
  • That gross oily face feeling when you wake up in the morning.

Shinsen was born son of Mazuro Daito, a skilled shinobi from the village hidden in the clouds. Mazuro unfortunately passed away while Shinsen was still young, leaving both his son and wife to manage on their own. Even as a young boy Shinsen demonstrated great promise. Inheriting his fathers ability to perform two different nature transformations with his chakra at the age of 6, a skill more commonly mastered by accomplished ninja of the jonin rank. However, the boy was clumsy and could not easily control or call forth the powers he was gifted with, making them practically null and void. This did not deter him, and Shinsen eventually was enrolled in the Hidden Cloud's ninja academy. His goal, to become a greater shinobi than even his father.

Despite all his efforts to study and train, Shinsen still lagged behind in his classes. Honing his skills seemed to require of him nearly double the effort that other children his age would put in, and for this he was often left feeling frustrated and confused. Not one to give up so easily, Shinsen would often take to challenging other children within his grade level. Seeing it as an opportunity to practice and become stronger. Though all of his scuffles would inevitably end in his own defeat, Shinsen never declined a challenge and continuously proposed new ones himself. Much to the dismay of his instructors, Shinsen was always pushing things to their limits. Breaking rules and in general, unintentionally, (or even sometimes intentionally) being a buffoon. His carefree attitude and silly antics brought the other children in his level entertainment, but he never really grew close to anyone, and would often go home at the end of the day carrying a strong feeling of loneliness.

Things would begin to change however when Shinsen was moved to a new class within the same grade level. By a chance event he would be allowed the opportunity to meet Raiki. A quiet boy who maintained a level of emotional separation from the rest of the children in their class. The other children hardly ever interacted with him, and when they did it only appeared to be so that they could torment him or say things about him behind his back. This made Shinsen curious about the boy, but was never sure how to approach him. He did not have to think long on this however. Each day after school Shinsen would go out on his own to try and practice his ninjutsu. Each day, Raiki would walk by and the two would catch glimpses at each other. Shinsen would pretend not to notice the boy watching him as he failed miserably, stumbled, and embarrassed himself during his training. So it came as a great surprise to him when Raiki decided to initiate conversation between them. His offer to help Shinsen with his training was the first offer of assistance anyone had ever given him, and Shinsen was immediately both excited and extremely grateful.

Like magic the two quickly grew to be steadfast companions. They were practically inseparable from each other! Where one went, the other would follow. Shinsen would invite Raiki along on his shenanigans and they would sometimes spend hours running around practicing new jutsu or trying to hone their ninja skills via mindless self imposed silly tasks. Still clumsy, and still a fool, Shinsens efforts would often result in failure, but with Raiki along he now had a friend, with whom he desired to work harder and grow alongside. With a renewed passion for learning and training he began to slowly but steadily improve, and eventually was able to pass the academy final exams. Through a stroke of good fortune, Raiki and he would move on to become teammates within the same squad, and together their team would go on many future missions together.

Though lacking in... many other skills, Shinsen showed not only great promise, but an exceptional talent for impersonation techniques. His passive ability to pick up and quickly mimic even the smallest mannerisms of others quickly became his leading aspect, and allowed him and his team to be entrusted with many missions that would require this particular skillset, so that they could gather intelligence from outside groups for the benefit of their home village. There were only a handful of times Shinsen was ever openly caught deceiving others via transformation while on missions. The first and most disappointing to him was while on a mission in the land of water. Not yet familiar with sensory type ninja, he was singled out and caught off guard by one who realized that Shinsen's own chakra signature, and the signature of the person he was attempting to impersonate were not the same. He was able to escape with the help of his comrades, who had been waiting nearby in case he needed emergency assistance, but not before the brow above his left eye was permanently scarred. From that point onward Shinsen worked hard to learn how to disguise his Chakra, something that took him a while to learn, but that he has mastered nonetheless. He still greatly prefers not to talk about the event that he considers "his greatest failure" however.

After an unfortunate accident Raiki would decide to flee the village, leaving Shinsen behind. Worried for his friends safety, Shinsen would endeavor to become stronger still in order to find him and return him safely home. Though the task would be more difficult without the support of his first and closest friend, quitting in this case was not an option. The two would meet again someday. Shinsen would guarantee it.

In his quest to find Raiki, Shinsen would be forced to learn several new jutsu. Mainly at the behest of his own summoned Pangolins, he would have to prepare to confront and hopefully survive an encounter with the Akatsuki. The organization with which Raiki affiliated himself after leaving the Hidden Cloud village.

Of the new techniques he learned, many were standard lightning and water style, however a select few were specialized ninjutsu techniques only able to be taught by the pangolins themselves. One such technique unique to the pangolins, known as a tracker eye, allows the user to see things in finer detail than they normally would be able to. It also provides the ability to see in the dark (mimicking the monster pangolin's natural nocturnal vision), to pick up on chakra trails, provided they are still relatively fresh, and enables them to see and differentiate between different chakra signatures. It is a visual jutsu that transforms the eyes appearance while in use. Similar to the way Sage Mode transforms the eyes appearance, however without the power boosting effects of sage mode. Solely used as a sensory type ability, it is typically meant to be activated when in use and turned off when not needed, but... Shinsen took a strong blow to the back of the head via Pantax and now... his eyes are just... stuck like that. Forever..... He is able to use the transformation jutsu to mask his eyes if he wishes and return them to their original appearance, but he typically won't because he doesn't want to have to maintain a transformation when not necessary or when not working.

To list an offensive example: Another technique enables the user, via the swing of a sword, or the thrust of an arm/leg, to manipulate their focused chakra into a spiny whip or sharp claw that can then strike a powerful blow against foes, or if timed correctly, deflect certain physical attacks. The whip can then be further enhanced with varying effects by adding a nature transformation into it.