


5 years, 2 months ago


Name: Iapetus
Age: 17
Height: 5'7
Weight: Soft in the cheeks and right at his stomach, but everywhere else there's a rather hard line of slowly melting away muscle; remainders from his father's attempt to get him trained to excel in combat. 
Eye color: Hazel green with flecks of blue and yellow
Hair color: Black with tan streaks
Tattoo placement: Dead center of his face, curving around his nose. The top and bottom band stretch completely across his face from ear to ear.
Power: Tail can be popped off and stiffened into a spear. It regrows at an accelerated speed compared to other natural tails (up to a week, max)

Likes: Reading out loud, heavy rains, sour/vinegar flavors, incredibly sweet desserts
Dislikes: Holding blood family to high regards, unnecessary danger

Iapetus used to be incredibly social. He has the makings in him for bubbling charisma but after his father's actions and attempts to force him into something he just didn't want to be, he gave it up. Iapetus is a little lazy, not to keen on putting himself out there, and would rather just sleep and eat cereal, thank you. He's still shrewd in a fight, though, since he wants it to get done as soon as possible.
He's incredibly attached to Hyperion and, despite his lazy nature, has nearly started fights with other Moons who have tried to pick on his friend. Despite how obvious he's sure his crush it, it takes until the Sun is defeated for anything to happen. 

   Iapetus was told, from a young age, that he had two twin cousins out there, somewhere. Distant cousins is what they called them. Somewhere along the way two siblings had an extensive fight. One claimed independence and left, and that person was his grandfather. His grandfather's sister had a daughter who, later in her life, tried to reconnect with his father but the two didn't get along and the family stayed shattered. Some time after that, Neptune and Uranus were born. Even with the family line torn how it was, Iapetus's mother still told him he should try to get along with his family. His father thought it'd be a great chance to show up 'that side' of the family and have his son go on to be a great man. It was a lot of pressure to put on a kid who was barely 10 at the time, but that's fine.
   His father's idea of "be better than them" was intense schooling to make sure he was smarter, physical training to make sure he was stronger. Iapetus just wasn't into it though and instead cut his classes. It didn't take long for the strain in the family line to make it's way to his home life and his parents divorced, Iapetus being put in sole custody to his mother. Which was... better, except now they had very little money. To make up for the financial dip, Iapetus willingly enlisted in the Solar organization. Only after he was in, though, did he realize two people, a set of twins, sure looked really goddamn familiar. Lucky for him he wasn't assigned a Planet leadership, instead landing ranks in the Moons. Even luckier that he dodged out of falling under the command of strained family. 

During Canon:
   There was a nagging part of him, in his father's voice, that said he should be furious he'd been benched in case of an attack on the base. The other part really didn't care; Iapetus had grown weary and lazy of trying to prove himself and as long as his two friends Hyperion and Titan liked him, then what did it matter? When Titan hung around Mimas, Iapetus would take Hyperion out on trips around the base and ever so slightly outside to help the blind boy get a feel for the land. It was during one of these walks that they caught wind of Europa's desire to leave and, after some quiet chats among themselves, the duo opted to leave as well.
   They fled out immediately when Europa game to gather stragglers. Unwilling to leave Hyperion alone, Iapetus became a second shadow to the boy's whims. They're careful to explore only when they know they're alone, but otherwise they stay hidden in Europa's stow-away camp inside an abandoned hotel. 

Season 2: [WIP]
   Iapetus really wished they'd just been allowed to hide out in their crappy hotel room forever. But no, instead he's dragged into a Hero group meeting because Hyperion and Europa said they should go. The Hero's numbers have been worn thin and the straggling Moons still had fight in them, through Europa's guilt and Hyperion's seemingly endless curiosity and kindness, they agreed to assist. Iapetus didn't want to, until Hyperion agreed. Like hell he's letting his friend go alone, especially when Hyperion was logically the only one who stood a chance to take down the Sun. While a better fighter, he couldn't do much against someone like that. Iapetus could, however, offer up a weapon for Hyperion to use...
   The two were somewhat of a tag-team duo, slipping through the Organization without being spotted thanks to their own knowledge of the back paths and hiding holes they found while benched and bored. In the end, Hyperion is able to take out the Sun, and Iapetus nearly cried when his friend re-emerged around the corner where he'd been hiding out, trying to keep his eyes closed against the white hot light flashes.

Wherever he ends up after this, he's rooming with Europa and Hyperion until he and Iapetus can figure out their own living situation together. 


- While it's a little wishy-washy on if Hyperion likes him, Iapetus is pretty thankful his friend is blind because he knows his crush can be seen from space. 

- When they agree to fight with the Heroes and change up their outfits to better blend in, Iapetus opts to keep his jacket. Underneath however he borrows one of the Quarterhero's shirts and alternate goggles. His jeans and shoes came from Andrew-- a pair of Taylor's own.