


5 years, 2 months ago


Name: Europa
Age: 23
Birthday: December 31st
Bloodtype: AB
Height: 5'11
Weight: Fairly trim, but well muscled in the arms and legs with most of her weight being in the thighs
Eye color: Teal/blue
Hair color: Dark brown/black with dyed white bits
Tattoo placement: Over her left cheek, going from eyelid and down to jawline
Power: Drastic temperature control; she can drop the air temperature around her to freezing like a supercharged air conditioner. Not good for fights, but good for buffing up other ice-users.

Likes: Organizing, early morning jogs, (later) cross-stitching
Dislikes: two-faced lying, red meat
Bedroom: Sharing a two-room suite in an abandoned old hotel. It holds no personal items as she had none to really speak of in her previous dorm room back in the Organization. Later, she crashes on Walter's couch or in Io's stolen cabin until they can figure out some kind of apartment set-up. She still doesn't have much in the way of personal items to decorate with until much later.

Nowhere near as cocky as her brother, but still holds his confidence. She's loyal to Jupiter first, the Organization second. Of his Moons, she's the only one who has openly told Jupiter that she shares his mindset on matters. She serves as a knowledge line back to what's happening in the Organization, since he knows she won't sugarcoat or lie about what they're doing.
Europa does love her brother, but she's aware he's kind of a massive asshole. Born second, she says she's just doing her 'little sister' job by bugging the everliving shit out of him. Io's power lies in lava-steps, and Europa will mess with him by lowering the air around them enough to render him mostly useless. When Io decides he's had enough of the Organization and bails, she followed him. 

During Canon: 
Europa lied to her team and the Organization leader saying she just wants to track her missing brother to make sure he doesn't ruin their mission, but in reality she's just as eager and willing to hop ship as he was. While Io bailed to the woods, Europa wandered around for a bit until she found and made contact with Jupiter to fill him in on everything that happened and the fractured alliances in the Solar Organization.
Jupiter told her to stay put and hide out here but Europa, ever the confident one, said she had to go make a report back as soon as possible before they sent someone to come find her. She left, crossing the rapidly thinning barrier to go inform their Leader that Io was still missing and she wants more time to find her wayward brother. They granted it. Before she left, though, she made one swoop through the Organization to try to find more who wished to flee. There were a few with waning loyalties here or there who would rather stick it out instead of facing wrath, but she did manage to find at least three whom she took back with her to the hero's reality.
Only now did she obey Jupiter's orders to stay in hiding, holing up with her small group of run-aways until they caught wind something horrible was going down. 

- Europa has a thing about hoarding people. She's not sure if it's on purpose but all these people end up somewhere on the "not heterosexual" spectrum and it's kind of become an inside joke to her that even if you don't realize it, if you're part of her friend group, you're probably gay.

- Europa ends up fighting with the hero team later but I need to get into that later lkshdferje this is a WIP sorry