
5 years, 5 months ago


Name: Calan
Age: 17
Species: Snow Leopard
Hair Color: Grey
Eye Color: off-white/Grey sclera with yellow irises
Soul Spirit: Ice

"It's not that I can't be bothered, it's more I don't want to."

  Scratch deep enough and his original, childhood attitude is still in there. Before he was playful, affectionate. and curious about everything around him. Now, older, Calan is prone to moods; bratty when pushed to do something he doesn't want to do, cold and rude to strangers, or just overall listless and uncaring. While on the mountain he's almost unapproachable and awful, nerves and mood at an all-time high thanks to his strained relationship with his mother, the Queen. Calan callously rejects every suitor and would rather spend his time asleep or in the orphanage, as young children are the only thing he seems to truly care for.
   ...That is, until he gets off the mountain. Almost like a switch all the heavy angry mood that followed him seemed to wash away and settle into just a gentle brattiness, easily argued as just a way to bond with those his age or younger. He finally has a chance to relax and get his mother off his mind, and he takes it. Most of the time Calan can be found napping in the sun, or idly chatting (or picking on) any companions who attempt to talk to him. 

   Having a Soul born to the Mountain was like a second coming. After all, the Bears had the Moon before, so the war-weary Snow Leopards were excited to finally have the upperhand. What they didn't expect, somehow, was it to be so... stereotyped for the area. Almost overnight at the little Prince's birth, the mountain grew colder. The outside became almost impossible to traverse without equipment better suited for an Artic adventure. Troops had to pull back and regroup, and the snows seemed ceaseless. The King, knowing full well what they were dealing with, could only comment about why they couldn't have gotten something like Fire. 
   Lucky for the little Prince, however, nobody up on the Mountain seemed to care that he contained a Soul in him. They were already surrounded in Ice and Snow, the cold was already oppressive at the worst of times. What could a wayward child really do? Instead of treating him like a monster, they opted to try to train up the boy to be a great warrior, someone who could help their country in the war like a General or--, well. Calan proved himself too soft for anything of the sort very early on. Every babysitter he was saddled with couldn't get him to do more beyond play and sleep. His Soul emerged like tiny snowflakes and delicate ice patterns. By the time he was 10, they'd all but given up. He was a Prince, after all. Not necessarily someone they had to throw into battle. The Queen was a diplomat after all, the King a warrior. There were options if he took in a more warring bride.

   Calan was always a bit of a troublemaker, getting into places he shouldn't be and escaping out of the castle to freely wander the city below that sprawled through the carved out mountain. He'd run through at least ten babysitters in his short time alive, all but the last one never able to keep a good handle on the little boy. Koki, a young adult who helped at the orphanage sometimes, seemed to be the only person who could make Calan behave where even his parents failed. He'd also lasted the longest with a record of two years. There were plans to make Koki an official member of the court after Calan's father died of an illness to just help the family along before tragedy struck again. Calan had escaped through the inner walls and went outside to play in the snow, but a Bear scout was near. The scout recognized the young boy as the Prince-- the Soul Carrier, and moved to kill.
   Koki was faster, however. He took the blow meant for the child as the guards swarmed to kill the Scout before he could get away. Calan wasn't punished, his mother used the babysitter's death as a 'lesson' to keep her son in line. It worked, sure, but in the worst way. Calan closed himself off, growing up bitter and angry at what the bears had done to his friend. While he didn't put anyone in danger he rebelled against his mother by a complete lack of action. The last nail in the coffin was, during a heated argument, Calan told his mother he'd sooner die than marry anyone and produce heirs for her; the family line ends with him. 

   When Andrea's group climbed up the mountain, he refused to let this chance pass him. He forced his mother to agree to let him go with them, claiming diplomacy since she hadn't been able to leave herself in several years. While nobody was scared of him, the others were wary about why someone would want to leave such a cushy life so easily. Calan didn't answer and promptly fell asleep in the back of Andrea's jeep once they were free. He tends to stick with the group on every expedition they take unless they go somewhere too hot for even his Soul to combat. When he's not with them, he's lazying around the Tanuki forest, reluctant to admit he always did prefer the hedonistic race's way of life over his own warring one.
   Calan went with them when they went to Ki's home, drawn in by the cooler temperatures and woody, small-town vibe. He's not too sure why the newcomer seemed to cling to him, but he appreciated his contemplative, quiet nature compared to the others. They became incredibly fast friends, and by the time they were leaving the city, Ki had already struck up a deal with Calan to stay hidden in the shadows of his tail for companionship and space-management. 

x - Usually his race is heavier set and wears more clothing than he does, layered up in furs and heavyweight fabric. His Soul keeps him cozy in the cold temperatures though, so he doesn't even need as much body fat weight-padding as some of the other Snow Leopards, even if he is softer on the edges than his skinnier companions. It also has the reverse effect of making him feel like he's melting in extreme hot temperatures. Sure he can cool himself off, but after a few hours of constantly using his Soul power it gets exhausting and it's safer in the end to just leave him behind. 

x - Calan's not good at names at all, but has named a few of his favorite orphans back home anyway. Hachi, Go, Nana are his favorites with all three being eventually adopted by him. Though he tries to be fair, Nana is his top favorite and tends to get spoiled.

x - After one too many talks with the Tanuki King and Ki, Calan starts to admit he was too harsh on his mother and begins to seek atonement for his actions. They're a little tense at times around each other, but their relationship is much better by the time he takes his place back in the castle as King.