


5 years, 5 months ago


Name: Gaboro
Age: 27
Species: Human
Hair Color: Dark slate blue
Eye color: Blue
Soul Spirit: Strength

"If you don't want to bow, I can make it so you have no other option."

   It's hard to wage a world-wide war and become a dictator for life when you're just one man, but damned if he isn't trying. Gaboro is completely proud of his race. He refuses to let others in his presence talk down about humans and if he hears it, will make sure they don't have the ability to repeat the words once he's out of earshot. He's a bully, through and through. The only thing he truly cares about are other humans which are so few and far between that it makes it seem like he cares about nothing else but himself. Which wouldn't be wrong, mind you, he's a complete narcissist as well. Gaboro's Soul is in Strength; the strength of heart, will, and physical. His dark personality warped and twisted it, making him somewhat of a megalomaniac determined to bring around the ruin of the world if it means humans would get their second time to shine.
   If you're not with him, you're against him. On top of wanting to bring Humans back to their 'rightful' place in the world, he also wants to establish the Soul's Godhood, whether that means as vengeful angry spirits or not. Honestly he'd probably enjoy it more if everyone treated them more like terrible beings you're suppose to worship than anything friendly. 

   Generally, Humans lived among a mix of other races in the slums or edges of town, pushed out by the others who still held prejudices against what they may or may not have done centuries ago. Gaboro's town was special; an entire settlement of stationary houses built by and for humans for safety. It was almost a fort; a place where humans could gather and feel safe among their own race. He was born and raised there, held up on a metaphorical pedestal as the one who would bring the Humans back from their place in the world with his Strength Soul. He was conditioned young to believe they were the end-all savior race, destined to retake the lands. But then, an army of naysayers descended on the town with the intent to destroy.
   Buildings were burned, people were slaughtered. The barrier walls were torn down and Gaboro barely escaped with his life, slipping out with help from townspeople who honestly thought of him as their savior. While the town was ransacked and leveled, he ran to safety and hid out until, days later, it was safe to return and see what all was left. Except there was nothing-- what was left was either still smoldering or unsalvageable. He gathered what he could, food, clothing, anything to cram into a pack for a long foot-journey. The town was deemed a complete loss, a Ghost Town that quickly became some place kids from nearby towns and villages would venture into as a test of courage. 

   While on his journey, Gaboro started making a list of the Souls he wanted to find to join his cause. While there was no way they were all humans, he could at least get to work on making sure people started respecting Soul Carriers again. The only problem was everyone on his list hadn't been reborn yet or was incredibly good at laying low and hiding. So he started to make due, hunting down anyone who seemed like they were harder on their luck than most, running off rumors of tragedies to hunt down and find anyone.
   His first stop was a small island, secluded out from the rest of the land and butting up against the mountain range that surrounded them all. It was said that inside would be half-elves, the one race considered less than humans. Surely there he'd find someone to join his cause-- what he didn't expect to find was an entire settlement going insane, turning against one small boy they'd chained and tortured in the center of town. It was all but impossible to get a clear answer out of the manic townspeople, their minds turned to nothing but incoherent babbling about how the boy was a demon. That was all Gaboro really needed to know before he started his rampage, easily taking out the villagers without much effort on his part. When he was done tearing the settlement down to it's very foundation he approached the boy who was scared and still chained to the main post.
   Gaboro offered him two options: One, he stay here and die with the rest of them. Two, Gaboro would break him out of his chains but he'd be in his debt. It wasn't hard to know the boy would clearly pick freedom and just like that, Gaboro took Rage on as a "ward." Their relationship, in any other setting, should've come across as fatherly with Gaboro taking charge. Instead it came off as a heavy case of Stockholm, with Rage believing he had deserved everything the village gave him and the mysterious savior who saved him was the only one he could trust. 

   Not too long after, Gaboro ran into Xenos along a path, telling Rage to hang back and wait while he went to get the wild man on his side. While Xenos refused once, he couldn't refuse the second time. Just like that, he got his small army already started. This would be easier than he thought.

x - He's a little past obsessed with Andrea, since she's a human and a Soul carrier. Gaboro fully believes if he can get her to his side, they can repopulate the human race with super-charged humans that won't even need to be gifted Souls. It's gross. He's gross. 

x - Thanks to training and what-have-you, Gaboro has figured a way to make his Soul make him almost invulnerable. While he can still be attacked by the non-tangibles, he's made great effort to never put himself in those positions. Acquiring Rage was part of this; since if someone that can control emotions is on his side, they can't be used against him. (Joke's on him)

x - While on his journey, he'll purposely destroy any history he finds that paints humans as Not Good. Along the same line, he'll make a point to disgrace, destroy, and graffiti any other race's history if it goes against the carefully 'reconstructed' history books he's made for Humankind.