.001 Rief





Name Rief (or Hybrid .001)
Age 3 months since awakening
Build Lithe,flexible // 1,40 cm (still growing) 
Species Snake/Human-Hybrid
Gender Male? Possibly genderfluid
OrIent. Unsure, strongly prefers men
Pronouns He/Him, They/Them
Occupation Being a genetical experiment
relationship status Single]
Worth ???
Design Notes

  • He has scales all over, but it‘s fine if they are just hinted at (some scales here and there)
  • Eyes have no visible pupils, very big yellow irises and a white sclera 
  • It‘s fine to draw him with a normal mouth with just hints at how far he can actually open it
  • His hair has a goopy, slime-like texture as of now
  • His genitals are not visible, like a snake‘s 
  • Mostly he‘s all smiles...except when he‘s hunting or if someone hurts his papa

Since gaining consciousness, Rief has learned many things but still remains very childlike, happy and sometimes naive. He‘s also very impulsive and slightly hyperactive, making it hard vor his papa to keep up with him. His curiosity is to be reckoned with and dangerous at times, since he doesn‘t really think much before running off to whatever piqued his interest. He doesn‘t fear for anything, except something happening with his papa.
Since he mostly thinks like a child, he wants all of his papa‘s attention. He has accepted that he has to ‚share‘ him with his researches and work but could get jealous of other people.
Rief is VERY protective of his papa and would do pretty much anything to keep him safe. He hasn‘t quite understood yet that killing is bad, he doesn‘t do it without reason but with things he sees as prey he can get very brutal, without any evil intentions. He‘s also prone to underestimating just how strong his body is and sometimes breaks things.
His animal instincts are very strong, especially hunting and recreating...which is very weird since he seems to strongly prefer men? (Yes, he‘s still very young but technically his body is as mature as a human in his late teens...and it‘s not like his papa let‘s him do much, he mostly just expresses it like a craving)


  • He can unhinge his jaw with ease, like a snake, as well as most of his joints (not allowed to do these since he's still in growth)
  • His scales are very sturdy, able to stop most blades without getting a scratch (it will still hurt with enough force)
  • His body is very strong and durable, he can survive deep falls without severe injuries as well as lift weights well above his own
  • His fangs can only unfold with fully opened mouth and their venom is very potent - can easily kill a human with just a scratch
  • To the most part his food consists of big chunks of raw meat, but he also likes rabbits, mice, rats, birds...pretty much anything that fits into his mouth. He prefers living animals.
  • Since his 'Awakening' he has shown tremendous learning speed, absorbing information like a sponge 
  • He has snake-like genitals, or at least they are hidden like snakes. May look a bit like a mixture between snake and human.

Rief‘s first memory was getting hit with something cold as warm fluids around him were drained away and his testtube (or rather, testtank) was opened for the first time. Then, the feeling of warm hands as his creator, his father Syrinx lifted him out carefully to check if the experiment had went well. Actually, it couldn‘t have gone better. Hybrid .001 was a full success, looking at his creator, blinking, breathing, making happy sounds as he was wrapped up in a big and fluffy towel. Only minutes after gaining consciousness, he started to repeat some of Syrinx‘s words.
A week later, he could speak like a six year old child, eagerly expanding his vocabulary.
At a month old, Syrinx had to teach him how to read as a means to keep him busy.

And now, three months after awakening it‘s time to go outside.


  • His papa!
  • Meat
  • Adventures
  • Going outside
  • Interesting stuff
  • Learning new stuff

  • Being bored
  • Not getting any attention
  • Having to wait 
  • Bitter foods/drinks
  • Medicine

Syrinx | Papa

The person who created Rief, also his genetical father since he used his own cells to make him. Very clumsy, but also a surprisingly good father and teacher who loves his son dearly.

Name | Relationship

Maybe don't write a book here. You can but it might look a lil funky. Quisque quis sagittis dui. Sed sed pellentesque ex. Aliquam quis metus ac ligula gravida mattis ultricies non dolor. Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Name | Relationship

Maybe don't write a book here. You can but it might look a lil funky. Quisque quis sagittis dui. Sed sed pellentesque ex. Aliquam quis metus ac ligula gravida mattis ultricies non dolor. Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.