Kashira Enaga's Comments

Haru was many things, but a good cook wasn’t one of them. Of course, he had bigger things to worry about, like how he couldn’t even get the questionably-edible slop the Hawks fed them from his plate to his mouth, always dropping his utensils in the process. Cooking was the one thing he didn’t have to worry about, and that was just a disaster waiting to happen.

...Which is why the fire alarm was going off at seven in the morning, with Haru himself desperately fanning away the smoke coming off of the innocent “omelette” he was trying to make for his boyfriend, Enaga.

It started off fine, at least in his head. He got up extra early to try and make breakfast for the two of them - Enaga mostly, though - and of course, he had to ignore all the telltale foreshadowing signs that he shouldn’t even be in a five foot radius of the kitchen. He had dropped two eggs, and when the third one got into the pan safely, the oil in the pan had been burning for so long that Haru now has to deal with tiny red burns from when dropping the egg in caused a mini-explosion.

It had only become an issue when Haru started zoning out thinking about their Sunday off together, which is why he was making breakfast in the first place. It was celebratory, in a way, but after the alarm ripped him away from his thoughts, he knew that plan was garbage already.

Instead of worrying about his safety (which was questionable since day one), he was more worried about waking Enaga up. He deserved the sleep, after all, but also he didn’t want to burn their apartment down just yet. Haru stayed calm, after all this wasn’t really a big deal in hindsight, and instead of trying to save their kitchen, he was trying to turn the fire alarm off.

There aren't many things that someone like Kashira Enaga can appreciate to their full extent, however sleeping serves as an excellent escape from reality to anyone and everyone, this boy included. Saturdays are actually his most favorite days of the week. You feel accomplished for surviving through the weekdays, and don't fear the incoming Monday, like you'd do with sleeping on Sunday. That being said, the ginger haired boy planned on napping till noon, blissfully unaware of the numbing stinging deep within his stomach.

It felt a bit cold though... Even in his sleep, Enaga could tell that there was something missing from his grasp now. His pale hands twitched to hug the pillow below his head tighter. Maybe that was it?

Everything was going nice in dreamland. Enaga couldn't tell what was happening within it, but if it's not a nightmare, then it must be something nice. He continued to nap with barely gaped lips.

But then everything tore away from him, and the world turned black. The small boy shook himself awake, eyes immediately widening when he woke up to a painfully loud ringing.

Maybe if this were the first time Enaga had to wake up to a loud alarm, he'd be even more surprised. But after the initial two seconds, he pushed himself up to his elbows, and simply groaned softly, at the early sunlight illuminating the inside of their puny apartment room. "...Waaa...", he whined again after quickly realizing that it's 'just the fire alarm', and that the absent-from-his-line-of-sight-Haru must be the culprit.

Enaga squirmed around for a bit, but then forced himself to stand up from the bed afterall. --Yes, bed! The Hawks just recently replaced the two boys' thin futons with actual beds, with mattresses and springs and stuff! Apparently because of their good behavior. But knowing them, it probably was mostly because they didn't know where to dispose of such furniture otherwise. Eitherway, Enaga appreciated having a bed. And it definitely encouraged his love for sleeping during the weekend. And the daily ritual of snuggling with his adorable boyfriend.

"...Haaaaru...", the displeased redhead sung upon sluggishly arriving to the kitchen. He coughed grossly at the black smoke he was forced to inhale. Still, strangely unamused by the fact that there's a minor fire. "What are you doing..? It's so early.", a truly stupid question coming from Enaga himself, afterall, he knows that 7AM is the perfect time to wake up. "A-Ah- Don't pour water on it. If it's a grease fire then you should just put a plate over it... I think. I just know that water's bad."

He was still too occupied with rubbing his own eyes to realize what Haru could've possibly tried to cook to cause all that smoke. Let alone what Haru is wearing.

Before Haru can even think about pulling up a chair to climb onto in order to stupidly turn the alarm off, Enaga was stumbling out into the kitchen with him. He frowned, already feeling bad about waking him in their day off, but of course Enaga would be the logical one in this situation. The next idea he had off the top of his head was, of course, to pour water all over the pan in hopes that it would put an end to this morning disaster.

Enaga is so smart, Haru marvelled, shooting an apologetic smile his way as he moved to retrieve a plate from the dish rack. The pan was small enough to fit comfortably over the top, and a couple more burns later, it seemed like the havoc the egg caused had come to an end. The blonde sighed in relief, briefly observing the red marks he now had to live with for the next week or so, but what hurt the most was that Enaga didn’t have an egg to eat for when he could.

The boy frowned, still rubbing his stinging hands now that the adrenaline from keeping their kitchen intact was going away. It wasn’t like he had a full suit of armor either, sporting just a black t-shirt that hugged his waist comfortably, a sliver of skin showing right above light grey shorts. While he could mourn the fact that the “egg” at the bottom of that oil stew was now questionably edible as well, he embraced Enaga instead. Some good morning, huh?

“...I’m sorry. This was for later. Go back to bed.” Haru mumbled quietly. While he wasn’t able to talk usually - mostly out of trauma - he did feel the safest around Enaga. Either way, he deserved an apology for being awoken so suddenly with his stupidity, and he frowned.

The shorter boy jumped lightly when he suddenly felt Haru's arms wrapping around him. A happy smile formed on Enaga's face, and he quickly hugged the boy back. "Huu-? You wanted to make us breakfast? That's so nice-- But you know how clumsy you are...!", Enaga chirped, scratching Haru's back to emphasize that he's not actually displeased at all.

The fact that Haru spoke out loud with his sweet husky voice also warmed his heart, but he only acknowledged it by pressing his face into the other boy's chest.

Cheeks flushed pink when he noticed that his hands landed on a strip of Haru's skin, not covered by clothing. "Wa!", he exclaimed with a mischievous tone, "Crop-top again! I don't think I've seen you wearing this one yet!". There's a good chance that this is also a part of the boys' routine. Instead, Enaga lifted his chin up at the blonde, smile never fading. "Hmm. We got some money recently, right? We can go out later and buy clothes again~ Or more crop-tops for you. You're so cute in them."

Enaga himself wasn't very fashionable, and in comparison to the St. Pigeonation's heartthrob that was Haru Nagase, he looked even more plain without his school uniform. Right now, he probably has been wearing the most creative set of pajamas he owns; a long-sleeved yellow blouse, with matching long sweatpants, with the difference being the fact that the sweatpants are patterned in a dozen little foxes. It's a relatively new purchase, so it's still soft on the inside, and not-matted by the washing machine.

He tilted his head to the side to have a glance at the smoky mess that Haru left behind himself, and only pouted his lips. "I'll clean that up later, maybe... You should open the windows.", Enaga dictated freely, and being the cuddle bug that he is, gave Haru one more squeeze before they eventually had to let go.

Of course, Enaga always knew where to scratch him (though, it was totally feasible for him not to, either), and he seemed to be channeling a cat being pet. Needless to say, Haru enjoyed whenever his boyfriend did that to him, but he generally enjoyed whatever Enaga did in the first place.

At the mention of his clumsiness, his cheeks flared up momentarily. The cat was out of the bag years ago - Haru was probably the clumsiest person he knew, as was shown by the fate of the two poor, poor eggs at their feet. “...Still,” He spoke with a tiny smile, his tiny burns begging to differ. Once they shared a hug, Enaga’s sudden enthusiasm nearly activated his fight-or-flight reflex.

When he found out it was just about his crop too - an everyday occurrence, really - he sighed in relief. “...I’ve had it for a while. I think it’s kind of funny when you freak out like that.” The blonde chuckled, suggesting that might’ve been a slight tease, and while it was, it was also a literal observation. Nonetheless, he wore half-versions of clothes because they were comfortable, but as of late, Enaga was also a factor, too.

“Ah...we have a day off. We can do whatever we want. I wonder how you’d look in something like this.” Haru finished, talking more than he ever had during the unholy hours of seven AM already. A frown crossed his face once Enaga let go, but it was probably for the better, seeing as the smoke wasn’t really going anywhere.

The boy nodded, getting to work on opening not only just the windows near the kitchen, but every single window that was able to be opened. It was already pretty warm outside, with the exception of the chilly morning air that graced his face each time he pulled a window open. The sun was up, ready for a long day, and the birds singing their morning melodies were calming to listen to. Ironic, considering the chaos ensuing in their apartment.

He returned to the kitchen shortly. “I opened them. Aren’t bugs going to fly in? Or maybe a bird?” The boy thought aloud, tugging at his upper lip as he asked the usual odd things like Harus do. “...Also, I heard we got new neighbors?”

“...How I’d look in a crop-top?”,

bad for sure, Enaga thought nervously, but continued to speak optimistically. “Well who knows! I’ll have to try it on... Your clothes rarely fit me though.”, he teased sweetly.

As Haru got around to open all the windows, which there wasn’t an overwhelming amount of in the first place, Enaga began to clean the egg-mess that now pooled on the floor. At the very least, be glad that it’s two eggs and not thirteen!

The sleepy boy yawned audibly, promptly wiping off the eggs with a rag, and then cleaning that in the sink. He glanced one more time at the sad burnt pan that Haru so lovingly tried to cook with, but still felt warm at how caring and considerate the other boy is to him.

“Bugs will, probably. But it’s definitely more rare for birds to fly into homes.”, Explained Enaga nonchalantly, as he put the ingredients Haru used earlier, back into their places in the fridge.

“I haven’t heard anything about a neighbor, though!”, the redhead swung around to step towards the other boy again. “What did you find ou— Wah!”, Enaga paused suddenly and reached down to lift up one of Haru’s hand, cupping it in his own. “Are those burns? Did you get sprinkled with boiling oil?”, he analyzed the small injuries with a frown, “Doesn’t this hurt?”

5 Replies

I really shouldn't have eaten that extra plate of sushi...!

The thought echoed in Maki's head like an annoying drum, but at least it was making her push herself even further. Maki raised the speed of the treadmill she was currently going ham on and attempted to motivate herself like she usually did.

The night before was rather disastrous, as in, she ignored her diet for the day. Maki practically inhaled everything she looked at, knowing full well she would have to make up for this at the gym. Even with that knowledge, she still underestimated how much she'd need to until she stepped foot into the local gym a day later. It was familiarly loud, and the fit atmosphere always managed to pump her up before any workout, really, regardless of how intense or long. Though the actual gym itself was pretty large but felt compact due to the number of people in it, and the equipment filling the room.

It still didn't stop her from being her normal self. Sometimes, her brother Haru would look her in the eyes and tell her she was the laziest athletic person he's ever known. What often followed up was a rant from her about how he didn't have to worry about that kind of stuff since he had the fastest metabolism known to man, despite the fact he was a dancer. It still semi-applied, however, since he often had what Maki did whenever cheating on her diet, and somehow managed to stay relatively thin.

As the next song queued up, she realized her playlist was only halfway into completion. Maki groaned to herself, but she knew she was only getting started, as she only started her workout about thirty minutes ago. Usually, she'd be here for an hour or two depending on what she was doing. Somewhere in the back of her mind, she decided that she'd probably be here for half of the time, and probably stick to eating nothing but the color green for the rest of the week.

Tch...why couldn't I be born with my brother's metabolism...!

Just out of pure spite, she raised the speed of the treadmill a little and tried to boost her run for the time being. She would continue to use the treadmill for about five more minutes in this boost, and move onto something else.

The music came to an abrupt stop, when Kashira paused the application on his phone. He sat back on the fitness bike and stretched his arms, letting out a quiet groan. After sitting still there for a few seconds, he pulled down the headphones from his head as a whole. 20 minutes of this alone should be enough... He hoped. Despite spending most of his free time in the gym, religiously, his knowledge on what’s the most efficient, as well as the terminology itself, is limited. He just does it for fun. The fact that it’s healthy is just a bonus.

Kashira slid down off of the bike, and made his way to a different section. He wasn’t exhausted enough to go home, definitely.

His gaze wandered across the entire gym like a panorama, but didn’t feel interested in anything particular. Damn, what an annoying feeling. He stood awkwardly in the middle of the building for a few moments, until somewhere in the distance, his eyes caught glimpse of familiar grayish-blonde hair. A light smile formed on his face, and Kashira decided to hastily sneak over there.

Daintily avoided tripping over some devices that seemed to be thoughtlessly scattered across the floor. Did a kindergartener design this place? Geez. He finally got close enough to Maki to call out her name without it being awkward, but right in that moment, his foot got caught between a metal rod sticking out from another ridiculously spacious fitness device.

He managed to balance and save himself, but his sneakers let out a horrendously loud squeak on the polished gym floor. A few people nearby got spooked, but immediately returned to their business.

Kashira finally struck a pose as if nothing has occurred, and while standing at a safe distance from Maki, cleared his throat. Time for a formal, but also relaxed greeting. “...Ayo.”

Even with her own music playing and the gym's usual background noise, Kashira's gracefulness managed to startle her too. Unaware at first, she looked around to see the source of the clumsy fool. Her eyes only landed on Kashira, who somehow earned the title of her gym buddy.

The term "gym buddy" was quite literal in the sense that their relationship only existed in this gym, however. It was kind of like those "friends" you hang around with at school but never hang out with - all you need to do is just switch school with the gym. The two of them had met after signing up to some sort of workout class and bonding over the fact it was their first time there. Ever since then, they often simply chat and then go back to doing their own thing.

Maki's expression lit up, and she gladly slowed down the treadmill temporarily just to chat with him. "Hi! Was that you?" She chuckled, pulling one earbud from her ear.

Given Kashira is about seventeen heads taller than her, she wondered how she didn't spot him right away amongst the sea of gym-goers. He's kind of like a friendly giant, if anything.

Even though they were friendly with each other, Maki still became a little self-conscious about her gym appearance. As in, she wished the only image Kashira had of her wasn't the sweaty one she usually presented as to him. Right now, despite the not-intense-but-harder-than-usual workout she had going on, she didn't look that bad.

Maki's signature pigtails were a little messy, but not totally unsalvageable. Today she chose to wear a black cropped shirt with similar shorts, but the cropped part was hidden by a light grey sweater.

"How long have you been here, by the way? I totally didn't notice you - and you're, like, twelve feet tall." Maki struggled to say in one breath, but managed.

“-Uhh. That was, uh. Yeah that was me.”, the slightly embarrassed boy mumbled, and slicked a lock of hair behind his ear. Yes, his clumsiness definitely got the best of him... Just earlier today, Kashira walked straight into a glass door, and for a second thought he either broke his nose or broke the glass. Neither of which happened in reality, but he saw the light for a second there.

Regardless of that, he leaned against a treadmill standing next to Maki’s. Of course, he made sure to be careful with that.

“Oh, I’ve been here for half an hour, maybe!”, he responded cheerfully, then thought intensely about Maki’s last remark. He measured the length of ‘1 foot’ with his arms, “huuh... How much is a foot again...”, he squinted, with the most suspicious expression on his face, “Hmm, I don’t think I’m that tall.”

“And you, how about you? What’dja plan to do today? I was cycling just until a few minutes ago.”, he asked, but still tried to figure out how long a foot is... curse the American metric system!

"Oh, half an hour?" The girl repeated, trying to think back to how long ago she arrived. The process she made on her playlist indicated that she'd also been there for thirty minutes - but she ended up trying not to wrack her brain over it. "Hmm, you probably got here before me! I'm still surprised." She chimed.

Starting to transition into a walking pace, she seemed to stare at Kashira for too long trying to figure out how long a foot was. It earned a giggle from her. "Geez - I forgot not everyone knows what that means! It's about...thirty centimetres...? Yeah!"

Maki seemed a little too smug about remembering a simple google search when she got curious about measurements. That was good knowledge she was passing on! At the same time, she looked at the time again. Even if she probably exaggerated about needing an hour or two - she was feeling the tiredness catch up to her.

"Heh, cycling? I like doing that one too." The blonde beamed, putting her phone back in her sweater pocket. She exhaled loudly. "Also, I thought I'd just do this for as long as I can..." Maki referred to the treadmill. "Though I might reverse everything I did here today and get something to eat something later..."

Kashira’s face lit up with glee at the shared knowledge, “Huuh? We did recap foreign units of measurements a while ago, but absolutely nothing of it stuck with my brain. Thank you!!”

He shifted his head back at the treadmill he’d been leaning on and thought for a second, to himself. No, no he’s not in the mood for more leg activity! He’s got to balance all the methods out. “Fair enough.”

It might’ve been worth mentioning what kind of outfit Kashira usually wears to the gym. And probably the only kind of outfit that Maki’s seen him in, since they only ever meet in this place... It’s nothing too fancy! Some fitness sweatpants, as well as a unique, somewhat too small, sleeveless blouse with a wide collar. It seems inconvenient due to the coverage on his neck, but Kashira himself claims that it actually helps him regulate body temperature during workout. And of course, as before mentioned, trousers.

“Ahah, I get what you mean.. I cherish food a little too much too.”, he continued dreamily, “But, it’s reasonable, I think, right? I’m the biggest in my family. They’re actually concerned about my habits, despite me going to this gym pretty much every week... Food is neat, man. It’s just that simple.”, he rambled on, before realizing that he may or may not have overshared. “...Hm... I don’t have any plans at all for later, actually...”

45 Replies

i lov u

he loves you too