★ Myron/Myra ★ (Canon story info)



1 month, 8 days ago



Name Myra Figueroa-Harrison
Designer Sixbane
Gender Female
Significant Other Ronny Harrison
Rules N/A
Species Human/dragon alt

RoleSpade leader


Pet's name: Myra


**Be aware this is her original story/official info. She's used in many AUs since she's a very beloved character and some things may differ between setting/family relations/ect.**

✔/ Loyal - Earnest - Dependable - Determined - Strong - Serious

X/Impulsive - Stern - Aggressive - Cold - Mischevious - Paranoid

Former assassin, current political leader. Myra is married to a goofy cowboy who often acts as her counterbalance. Serious, stern, and commanding- she's not someone to be trifled with and will quickly shut down anyone who threatens her family. Though bearing sharp thorns, she does have a good heart and absolutely gives her everything to protect the people in her charge and her own blood, and once you've gained her loyalty; she'll never betray you or let you down.

Being a mongrel, and a woman (Both highly discriminated against within her  environment), she had a hard time in her road to becoming a respected head of her countries military, but she's made many changes for the good to change their future. 

She tends to be rather reckless and self-endangering at times. She's calmed down in her later years for her children's sake and is a very devoted and loving mother.

Reserved  -  Secretive  -  Strong-willed  -  Slow to trust  -  Experienced   -  Natural Leader  -  Fighter  -  Protective

Quiet, reserved and a bit putoffish. She grew up in a rough home  life and it  very strongly reflects on her personality. She has trust  issues and  finds it very hard to adjust to new people. Next in line for  the  leadership role because of her father's position as leader, she  was a  disgrace to him from the moment she was born. A woman leader was  unheard  of, and a mongrel one even less so. Both were seen as lower  class.  Women served as maids, Mongrels as homeless and slaves. She was  not  supposed to exist and her father did everything in his power to  attempt  to mentally ruin her so she'd never get an idea of taking his   leadership from him. What he didn't count on was his own strong will  and  stubborn bullheadedness returning to bite him in the rear end. It  hurt  Myra sure- and left her with lasting scars and much bafflement  later  down the road. She was left unable to function in most social  settings  because she simply didn't know how to. Not until Ronny, of  course. But  inevitably, she'd reach a breaking point and take control  of her own  life once she'd had enough.

She is willful, stubborn,  and often  very temperamental, though her fathers training has led her  to hide most  of her emotions to avoid revealing how she's really  feeling. She  cannot-however,hide them from Ronny, and at some point  stopped trying  to. She has a deathly fear of thunder, or losing  Ronny,but other than  that she's quite fearless, dangerously so. She has  mellowed since  becoming a mother for her children's sake, but she is  still quick to  take matters into her own hands. She puts on a strong  front..but will  generally do whatever is most important for the greater  good. She isn't  the smartest- she can be oblivious to important  details and get easily  distracted , but usually can come up with a  solution-sometimes an  entirely nontraditional one-given a little time  to think.

 She generally  will only trust Ronny above all others,  and she is especially  unwelcoming towards strangers unless they give  her a good reason to  respect them. The easiest way to garner her  respect is through actions,  as she puts very little faith in words but a  good action made is a good  action given in Myra's standards.

She  does suffer from on and off  depressive states, and mental trauma from  her youth that rears its ugly  head. Ronny has helped her greatly to  improve her condition and move  past such anxieties but certain places,  noises, and phrases can trigger  her into a panic. Usually she'll run  and hide somewhere. When truly  upset she tends to shut herself off from  the world for days at a time.  She is strong willed,however,and always  pushes past it to try and  reflect on what upset her and how she can  better herself to prevent such  mental upset again. As a political  leader she is often thrown in the  spotlight to make important decisions  for her people and neighboring  districts and countries, but she  manages to keep calm under this  pressure, as she was trained well to  handle stress. At least-on the  surface. Once out of the forefront she  tends to overthink, debate and  curse her decisions for hours before  coming to a solution she can  accept. Her anger is a problem, and she is  aware of her nasty temper.  She sees it as a terrible remnant of her  father's own fury. She tries to  control it, and over time she's become  more adept at pushing it down  because afterward it always leaves her  feeling disgusted with herself.  But changing herself to a more relaxed  person doesn't happen overnight,  and Ronny still finds himself calming  her with a pet on the ear or soft  reminder to ease her anger. She's  seen what her father's rage did to her  in her youth...she refuses to  let her anger scar her own children in  the same way.

Her ability  to control metal is not unique, many  people have this ability in her  world. She simply is the first in her  country to obtain this ability,  since their pocket of the world was  rather isolated for a long time.  Her mental and physical strength is  from rigorous training and learning  special fighting skills reserved for  the leadership to ensure they  have an edge against possible threats to  their regime. She trains daily  with her soldiers, and though the older  more experienced ones may  near-rival her, she strives to win in every  sparring match. Her typical  match is her grandfather,Akseli. She's  beaten him a few times, but he  still wins a majority of the time. One  day the student might surpass  the master.

Religious/spiritual views

Myra  is a harsh denier of magic and gods, despite meeting multiple  gods/deities of her world in person. She rejects the idea of worshipping  any sort of higher power as she believes strongly that the fate of the  people are in their hands and there is no such thing as "blind destiny".  She has little care for spiritual rituals, and will respond harshly  towards suggestions of magic and "Faith" in a higher being. She does not  however, outwardly make efforts to admonish people for their beliefs.  She will respect and allow them (Among both her people,and strangers) so  long as they do not try and force their beliefs onto her, such pressure  will cause her to become agitated and refute their claims. 

In  her early years she was exposed to the workings of a cult within her  people, and as a result any sort of religious gatherings often unsettle  or worry her. She will, again- allow them, but will not willingly take  part in them, and will only step in if the event has for some reason or  another turned dangerous to someone(s) involved.

Love life/relationship with husband

Myra is not a very loving person. Its not to say she can't love, because she certainly can, but it takes a very special sort of someone to ever become more than a friend to her. She is technically bisexual,  with a heavy preference towards men as most women tend to spark a  rivalry with her rather than a love interest (But theoretically if she  were to meet a woman she was interested in she'd have no qualm with it.)  She is a very protective, and fiercely loyal partner, as she tends to  attach to one person who is extremely important to her and remain with  them. She likes the routine and comfort of a steady partner, and has  trouble trusting outsiders with any part of her heart or emotions. She's  often only really open to her partner because she views them mentally  as on the other side of her metal "Wall". She has a tendency to lie or  hide things from her partner occasionally in an effort to protect them  from truths she thinks them unable to handle. 

She is attracted to  others who challenge her, but in a way that's more than just talk, they  can actually do something to back up their words. It catches her  interest to have someone she can rely on to keep her entertained and  push her to become a better person. She is attracted to confidence and  charisma, and people who are adaptable and resourceful. She likes people  who are good with their hands. She is, on the opposite end, heavily  turned away from people who are flaky or untrustworthy, cowardly, or too  soft and give her no challenge or fight. She would be quickly annoyed  with people who are too clumsy or not careful enough. She can also not  be in any sort of relationship with someone who attempts to control her.  Her partner must be her equal, not view themselves as better or worse  than her. If she can push them around, they'll quickly bore her or  she'll find them weak. If they try to control her, she will become  aggressive and defer to her temper sooner than affection.

She's  had two major relationships in her life, one in her early teen years  that lasted for a few years before ending in tragedy, and the second  being Ronny, her husband/lover of roughly 25 years since. She is  unfailingly loyal to him, and meets any attempts at affection from  anyone else with aggression, as she views it as a high sign of  disrespect.

Ronny is one of very few people she is open with about  her thoughts (The others being her uncle, Kapono, and her childhood  friend, Norah.) She is most comfortable with Ronny alone.

She is  very disdainful towards public displays of affection, and will generally  try and keep her affections for Ronny behind closed doors. (Though, she  does become a bit more expressive of it/comfortable with it over the  years). That doesn't mean that Ronny does- he'll happily hug and coddle  her any chance he's given, often embarrassing her in the process.

Myra  and her husband share ideals on most important things, and as a result  they don't often have bitterness or disagreements. They share most  political views, and if their opinions clash they can calmly disagree  and talk them out to come up with a solution. (And consult outside  sources if needbe for assistance.) They generally don't get into spats  very often. If they do, the main source of arguments between them is  often Myra's reckless nature and willingness to put herself in harms  way, or on rare occasions how to deal with their children when they act  out. 

As a parent

Myra  is a mother to 7, (Six kids she gave birth to with her husband Ronny,  and one adopted son). The manner in which she behaves of course varies  between children, but overall she is surprisingly more often the  "Softer" parent. She has an easier time having meaningful conversations  and relating to her children on an emotional level than her husband  does. Ronny is the "Funner" parent and often eggs them on into goofing  off, but when they cause trouble or reflect badly on their parents, Myra  is the more understanding of the two as Ronny can occasionally even  hold grudges against his children if they've done something particularly  heinous. (That's not to say he ever stops caring for them, but he'll be  bitter about it for a while.) Myra has a hard time staying angry with  any of her children, and will quickly forgive them so long as they seem  to understand the consequences of their actions. 

Their job as  parents is well balanced, Myra is stern and pushes her children to be  their best-urging them to keep working so they'll never forget where  they came from and what it means, but she is there for them when they  need her to be. She can occasionally be a bit of a pushover to them, and  give them what they want even if they don't deserve it. Ronny is the  fun parent who will goof off and remind his kids to be kids, but if they  abuse the freedom they have he'll quickly turn into the stern parent  and remind them of the importance of respect for both their parents,what  they have, and others. When the situation calls for one to switch from  nice parent to mean parent and the other vice versa- it can occasionally  cause the two to butt heads in parenting style but they usually can  work it out.

Being a mother has done some work to resolve Myra's  bullheaded and reckless nature, in her younger days she'd bicker with  Ronny over her own safety and doing what she wants for the greater good.  However, her kids provide a strong excuse for her to stay behind so  that she can be there to see them grow up and help them through their  lives. Ronny often uses it to tie her down when she wants to do  something dangerous. Her temper has also waned a bit over the years as  she's taught herself to calm down for their sake. 


  • Her birthday is April 5th. 
  • If cut off, her tail will eventually grow back. It has some regenerative properties due to her genetics. (She will be very angry about it, though.)

A trained assassin turned political leader, married to a goofy cowboy.

She  was trained as an assassin , growing up in a family of soldiers, but  deemed worthless for her gender and the traditions of her harsh culture,  she was hidden away to avoid being a disgrace to her father's name.  Under her father's order she began training in stealth. This acted as a  way to ensure she could defend herself, while allowing her father to  manipulate her into acting alone and fearing others for fear of being  captured and killed. It worked well and left her difficulties in social  situations. Despite this, she would never take a life unless absolutely  necessary and she's only ever truly assassinated a rare few targets that  posed direct threats to her people and family, or she viewed it as "for  a greater good" such as ending long drawn-out wars or stopping further  loss of life of her own people. She prefers to capture or contain foes  when possible. Her mother left when she was young, and thus Myra  presumed her dead. She escaped from her father's harsh grip, when she  was sent to murder her uncle. She decided against it and instead turned  against her father and stood at her uncle's side.

In the time period in which she lives, the average lifespan is around 200. She is still quite young.

She  met Ronny by mistake, when she was captured in her efforts to kill her  uncle, Ronny was a member of his group,recently heartbroken he didn't  mind the company of the newly-deemed prisoner being dumped in his  workshop. Even if Myra wanted nothing to do with him at first. Despite  her efforts, she couldn't help but warm up to the goofy cowboy with his  weird hat and stupid grin.

As they spent more time together and  she slowly became more confident in herself and her abilities as a  leader, she fell more and more for him. She became a political leader  through her skill, and Ronny became her lover- and the 'public face' she  wasn't as capable of being. It remains that way, Myra being the  strategist and the threat of justice, and Ronny being the people  person...that keeps her from staring down anyone who gets on her nerves  and barking threats at everyone.

Myra is regarded as the leader  who changed the fate of her people, after her father's tyrannical  dictatorship. She was the woman to prove women deserved respect among  her peoples politics, and mongrels had a place among them. There are  many oppositions among the elder generation, but she helped to found and  promote a generation accepting and more open of the changes she brought  to the leadership and political map. She occasionally fails, but has  led her people through many struggles and brought them through it, and  earned her place of respect through many hardships. She tends to butt  heads with other political powers, because of her very headstrong  nature, but in the end she just wants to see her people and family make  it through. They've come too far to fall now.

With her skills in strategy, and her husband's charisma, they make a formidable pair of representatives for their people.


  • Her family
  • Hiding/feeling safe
  • Ear scratches
  • Fighting/sparring

  • Water and boats
  • Cats
  • Thunder/storms/other loud sounds
  • Her family being threatened

Ronny Husband

Myra's beloved husband and partner, She loves him dearly and the two complete each other well. She can almost never be found too far from his side, and she'll fight tooth and nail to protect him if necessary. He's the only one allowed to cart her around and treat her like she's 'cute'. Anyone else will probably get bitten. 

Amith Oldest (Adopted) son

Myra's eldest son was adopted as a young child, and she raised him herself before she and Ronny were officially married. The two are very close, and Myra often goes to him to advice since he's a brilliant researcher. In turn, she will quickly rush to his aid if he needs help in a fight. She may not be his birth mother, but she's most certainly still his real mother.

Ron Son

Myra struggles to understand and relate to her oldest (biological) son. He purposely distances himself from the family because of his issues with investing himself in the family responsibilities and difficulties coming to terms with his own identity as it stands apart from his parents. She does care for him and will drop anything if he needs her- but given he's a fisherman and she's terrified of water, they don't really spend enough time together.

Rupert Son

Myra's middle child was trouble from the start. As the next heir Rupert was instantly tasked with impressing his parents and his people...and as a troublesome teen- he failed that. Exponentially. He eventually accepted his role in life and who he should try to be, and set about trying to correct his image and be the leader his parents wanted as a young adult. Myra helps him as much as she can in this journey, and though he has a lot of self doubt she's always supportive. (She will not hesitate to jokingly remind him of his annoying teen years and how he "owes" her for her suffering if he wants to be a little jerk though)

Jeames Son

One of Myra's first set of twins, and the first spade children, Myra relates well to them on the battlefield. Jeames grew up in his early years apart from his parents (in training), which drove a little of a wedge between them at first, but after his sister, Amelinne tried to start a fight against her brother, Rupert, Jeames moved in with his parents again and they became closer. He's a bit softer than his mother, and Myra sometimes forgets that, but she tries to be understanding and never push him beyond what he's comfortable with as a soldier. She'd never ask more than him to be happy.

Amelinne Daughter

Myra has a complicated relationship with her eldest daughter, due most certainly to the fact that Amelinne tried to stage a coup and nearly got her older brother (Rupert) killed in the process. Myra, surprisingly, forgave her quite fast and was willing to accept she'd learned her lesson even when Ronny did not. That does not by any means mean that Myra forgot, or that she trusts her even now. She still eyes her with suspicion, knowing full well she has the capability to be dangerous to their family. She wants to accept her as her daughter, but Myra is no fool.

Alex Daughter

Alex is definitely a daddy's girl, though Myra has a solid enough relationship with her. She taught her to make small crafts and taught her as a medic after she herself learned from Kapono. Alex has a bit too much energy for Myra's tastes, and she would rather let her run her siblings ragged first if given the option. 

Sam Daughter

Sam, unlike her twin Alex, is much more calm and relaxed, and also much closer to her mother than her twin is. Myra and Sam bond over reading and sharing books, growing up Myra used to read or tell stories to her daughter almost constantly, fostering a love of learning that she carries with her. Myra and Sam can have long deep conversations about most anything, and unlike (some) of her siblings, Sam is a bit more on the responsible side, making it easy for Myra to trust her. 

Italma Daughter

Italma is her father's daughter, and though she can certainly hold her own sparring with her mother, she was born and raised in a workshop and spends most of her days and hours slaving away as a blacksmith to create weapons. Since she's usually in her father's space, Myra doesn't interact with her as much as her husband does, but Myra is surely Italma's favorite to ask to try out her newest creations first. 

Nessy Daughter

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Colt Son

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Kapono Uncle/good friend

Kapono is Myra's uncle, and only a few years older than her. They're good friends, and can trust each other with most anything. Even though Myra likes to pick on him at times, you can bet if he or his people are in need she won't hesitate to stand by him without question. Kapono also taught Myra all of her medic skills and was good friends with her husband before she and Ronny met. 

Akseli Grandfather/Mentor-figure

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Nessia Grandmother

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Tannon Father

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Blythe Mother

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Griffith Half-brother

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Lydia Harrison Mother-In-Law

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.
