
5 years, 1 month ago


NAME: Lilith Jezebel Blaire Winter (courtesy her dumbass ‘master,’ her actual name can’t be pronounced by human mouths)

SPECIES: demon
AGE: fairly young, only a few hundred years
GENDER: presents as female
SEXUALITY: haha gross

SPOKEN LANGUAGES: more than you
OCCUPATION: dealmaker, mooch

BIO: Lili comes from a long line of demon aristocracy.  She grew up with heavy expectations of upholding the family name, which she had little interest in.  Sick of the constant nagging and inevitable disappointments that followed, she left to seek her fortune.  Or, rather, technically fulfill her responsibilities while lazing about as much as possible.  This arrangement has worked nicely for the whole family.

Lili found the perfect mark in Sean, a lonely teen reject finding solace in the occult.  He managed to summon a real, live, demon, and it was easy enough to deceive him into selling her his soul.  She made the default bargain: a soul in exchange for youth and riches.  This has translated winning enough on scratch-off lotto tickets to pay for his online college, landing a steady job, and leaving him stuck as a teen for the foreseeable future.  Sean also gave her her mortal name: Lilith Jezebel Blaire Winter.  It’s awful.  She loves it, and especially loves mocking it.

The arrangement guaranteed her a couch for the next couple hundred years before she has to hunt down a new contract.  She’s very pleased with how things have worked out, and looks forward to doing a whole lot of nothing for as long as she pleases.

PERSONALITY: Lili is amiable, lazy, and complacent.  She prefers Doritos to souls of the damned, and watching Netflix dramas to tricking poor mortals.  She’s selfish and self-serving, but not particularly malicious.  Lili’s cruelty tends to be petty, catlike -- it can be fun to knock over glasses of water onto important documents, but it’s not like she particularly has it out for anybody. She’s too laid-back for that, it’s just funny. She likes to tease, not torment. She’s found a way to get what she wants without fucking over anyone else too badly, and thinks that’s very mature of her. She expects some day she’ll get bored of sloth and decide to properly seek her fortune.  Until then, she’s more than happy soaking up the human lifestyle. 

APPEARANCE:   Lilith has sharp, bright slitted red eyes on a sharp, bright face with a sharp, bright smile.  It’s all framed by long, wild red hair that reaches her lower back.  She’s of average height with an angular frame and a ruddy glow to her skin.  Her teeth are white and sharklike, and smooth red horns curl out of her temples.

Of course, if she doesn’t want you to notice anything wrong, that all seems perfectly normal.

OTHER NOTABLE FEATURES: Lili loves cute clothes -- white ruffles, pastel colors, flower designs, bows, cheap plastic jewelry.  She’s also a big fan of your clothes and will steal whenever possible.  

RESIDENCE: the couch of her contract holder. She has here own room and all, she just prefers the couch.

LIKES: kitties, cute headbands, junk food, sleeping, video games, chatting up new people, sour candies
DISLIKES: working hard, stiletto heels, getting up early, being yelled at, taking things too seriously

TALENTS: Lili has tremendous talent at FPS games.  She’s not a great strategist, but she’s got instantaneous reaction time and hand-eye coordination. She does a lot of competitive gaming as a hobby.

Also, she’s been raised from an early age to be a master deceiver and networker.  But that’s a lot of work, and she doesn’t really have the interest in keeping track of dozens of contracts.

FUN FACT: Spends a decent amount of time on social media.  It reminds her of back home.