Sean Valentine



5 years, 5 months ago


NAME: Sean Valentine

AGE: 31
SEXUALITY: bisexual

SPOKEN LANGUAGES: English, some Latin
OCCUPATION: remote IT consultant, minor exorcist

BIO: Sean had a rough time as a teenager.  He was depressed and lonely, unable to connect well with his peers, and spent a good deal of time and money in Hot Topic and new age crystal shops.  He found an alternative outlet from self-harm in the occult, and threw himself into that world.

He dropped out, languished, and took his occult phase a bit too far.  Upon managing to summon a real, live demon, he promptly accidentally sold his soul to her.  In exchange for youth and riches, he gave her his soul and a name: Lilith Jezebel Blaire Winter.  She was, and still is, thrilled by how terrible her name is.  

Since that unexpectedly successful summoning, he’s been stuck with an opinionated demon by his side.  But it’s not all bad -- she has some decent suggestions.  Sean since gone to therapy and found coping strategies and meds that work for him.  Riches and youth have translated into winning enough on scratch-off lotto tickets to pay for his online college, landing a steady job, and leaving him stuck looking like a teen in the worst way for the foreseeable future. He got his AA, got an online degree, and now has a comfortable IT job.  He does some minor esoteric consulting and basic exorcism stuff on the side. He’s got the experience, someone may as well benefit.

Having a demon own his soul isn’t terrible.  She’s lazy and unmotivated and is more than happy to keep her long-term contract going so that she doesn’t have to go find a new one. They have a very comfortable relationship, more akin to roommates than demonic master and slave.  Mostly the worst part about her is that she doesn’t do her fair share of the chores.


PERSONALITY: Sean is shy, sensitive, and nervous.  Talking to people makes him anxious, but he’s gotten much better at doing it over the phone. He’s not a shut-in but he’s definitely a homebody. Lili likes to go out, and he even tags along sometimes.

He’s romantic, thoughtful, and daydreamy.  He loves poetry -- naturally, Poe -- and gothic literature. He likes old, black-and-white cinema, and spends a lot of time on Reddit discussing it. Gentle, gullible, and quiet.

APPEARANCE:   Sean is pale, scrawny, and spindly.  He’s fidgety, too tall for his pigeon chest, and hides under dark, shaggy hair.  His dark eyes are framed by deep bags. His cheeks and chin are pointy and dotted with old acne scars.

He used to have quite a few facial piercings.  Below thin lips are holes from spiderbite piercings that just won’t close. The hole from the nose stud is also still visible. He still wears his gauges, since it would look worse without them.

Still a big fan of his buckley, zippery Hot Topic pants, jackets, and boots. He doesn’t see anything wrong with that, since he does still look young enough for it.

OTHER NOTABLE FEATURES: Appears to be about 18.  He’s 31 and stuck looking like that for the foreseeable future.  His aging has slowed to a crawl and it’s really embarrassing.  

RESIDENCE: A respectable two-bedroom apartment full of incense burners.

LIKES: clove cigarettes, Gothic literature, Myrna Loy, hanging plants, playing guitar
DISLIKES:  parties, crowds, commercial pop music, kale

TALENTS: Finely-attuned sixth sense. Studied up a lot on the occult for a while and can pick up on and interact with most minor entities. 

Writes poetry. Isn’t particularly good at it, but has a lot of time to get better.

Pretty decent at custom-building computers.  Put Lili’s together for her.

FUN FACT: Trying to stop biting his nails, so he’s started painting them. Black, of course.