


5 years, 19 days ago


  • Yei


"Wait don't worship me like that..!"

Yei is a spirit living inside her own creation, HIWA [?]. She has pale skin, white eyes with a dark sclera, and black hair reaching down to her waist. Her mouth is some sort of void. She is pretty short (161cm) but has a nice figure. Yei also has a tattoo of her perception of the sun and moon of the human realm. She loves the idea of a bright natural source of light.

Yei is incredibly active in her community, assertive, and observant. She has a great passion for creating things, which is why she is the head of the official technician team. She is easily flattered, friendly, and laughs a lot. Yei is quite unorganized though and her team has to help sort through her papers. Yei is also a tad bit of a workaholic because she loves her job so much and does not like being interrupted when she is working. She will work for hours upon hours and her team has to make her take breaks. She is also very knowledgeable, fueling how skilled she is as a technician. As fascinated as she is by technology, she took pages of notes from how technology worked in the human realm. Yei quite dislikes human nature and often criticizes their hypocritical and selfish actions that led to chaos. However, she admires their intelligence.


DOB 2/17

Age Unknown

Gender Female

Height 5'2

Race Spirit [?]

Origin Human Realm

Occuptation Technician



  • Quiet Ambience
  • Flowers
  • Light


  • Humans
  • Conflict
  • Distruption



Yei used to be an ordinary wandering spirit. She created HIWA hundreds of years ago for her own people to live without causing any more chaos in the human realm. A place of peace and harmony. It was created from dormant power residing from fear and distress, meaning she cannot use this power at her own will. She still feels horrible for being unable to gather up all her kind to put in HIWA. She blames herself for a lot of them getting killed while she tried to save them. She grieves about it sometimes as she knew some personally.


She tends to become a bit noisy and worked up when she's working on a project she's very excited about. She also doesn't have very good time management and ends up spending very long hours working on various projects, definitely displaying her burning passion. As a result, she can often be found very tired and can sleep for a whole day at a time. Yei really dislikes humans and can get pretty angry when talking about them.

Extra Information

  • Name is pronounced "yay"
  • Speaks using sign language (she, as the rest dont have to actually perform it. transparent-like hands float above her like magic)
  • Wrote many of the books in the library
  • Was made the leader of the spirits and is very humble about it
  • Lives alone in a small forest clearing in upper northern HIWA
  • Has lived for over 300 years and is immortal (until she decides to have offspring) but can be injured.
  • For more information about the world she lives in and what Spirits are and are capable of


[ Spirits only! ] The world I created is a closed world but if you ask to create a character in it maybe I will allow it. You can then become a link to this character!

HTML by lowkeywicked